So tired want cookie dough

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So I just got home kinda later than normal after uni not gonna lie but I had to drop someone off from uni and then H wanted to get dropped somewhere quickly and quickly pick her up and then I went to Costa and I'll talk about my own day later but I have a bit of energy to write about yesterday

So yesterday.
Drove to uni and it was fun and stuff and me and H had plans to go to subzero , she made me parallel park 😭 but she's calm and good with it to be fair. Went uni and she had the giggles and was making me laugh SO much in a lecture you're not meant to laugh. The lecture was dead and it was optional to come in or not so we decided to stay for it but she kept making me laugh😂

Dad needed things from the car so went home with H, and then went to subzeroooooo. Met Ayrton there. Black cargo or even the grey ones he has looks good on him mashAllah but I also like how blue jeans look on him. But anyway I was SO excited to be there at subzero it has been ages since I last had one. I got the same thing H got, a waffle doffle or something. A kinda stuck up for me and made sure I got two scoops of ice cream and I'm ngl, I actually appreciated him saying that to make sure I get the two scoops. And he paid for my dessert bless him. Omg the peanut butter ice cream IS SO GOOOOOOOD. I'm so happy I had that. I love it so so so much.

Farhan met H from there, I said hi to him, and then me and A went cdiff for food. He was in a playful mood yesterday and I loved it lol. He was tickling me, I noticed once or twice he would would walk on the outer side of the pavement which i liked, he also pulled my chair out in subzero which I loved as well, it's just the small gestures, it's thoughtful. We went to noodles which I admit isn't the best option but it was Ramadan appropriate like it wouldn't make us thirsty and things. I actually like the noodles there I think they're full of flavour. Probably prefer wiwos though. They didn't have rice noodles so got uden noodles instead and I asked the guy to not charge us extra for the uden since they didn't have the rice noodles, not sure the guy appreciated that but like it's only fair.

I called Ilham during the evening to make sure she got on the right train and things. Ayrton ended up biting his ulcer and I've never seen blood pour out like that from a lip bite 🫣 I was genuinely gutted for him I know ulcers are so painful and then accidentally biting it the way he did, it looked nasty, must have been so painful. I wish I could have taken his pain away then or have somehow healed his ulcer, I know putting salt directly onto the ulcer heals it so fast. Whenever I have ulcers I do the same and yeah it stings but if you do it like twice a day for two days or so, it treats the ulcer within days instead of the ulcer going on it's own which takes a week sometimes or more.

I gave him a hug, and I rested my head on his head and couldn't help but notice how good his hair smells. I love hugging him he's got that snuggly coziness. I couldn't finish my food so I took it home, think he finished his. I don't think he was too fond of the place and I know it's not the best place but like I said. It was the best Ramadan friendly place I could have chosen to go.

We went to buy some dates, I just got the standard ones I like, can't remember what ones they're called but I like the hard chewy ones. The Persian ones are really soft and I'm not a massive fan of them but my mum liked the Iranian ones. He got the mejjoul dates. Palestinian. We walked past the Iranian cafe / restaurant he went to, and I heard people talking Persian outside the shop and it was so weird to hear Farsi outside of my house cos I rarely stumble across Persians outside. Although they had a different dialect. More stronger like from the village or something.

Went back and my mum texted me asking where I am and I ignored it and put my phone on DND. I don't understand my parents I'm starting to get sick of them. Not sure if that's mean to say but right now, it's the truth. Barely speak to them now when I'm home cos they annoy me when I'm out just let me be.

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