InshAllah ill feel better

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Urgh I feel a little iffy again.  InshAllah tomorrow will be the last of it. Just spoke to the AA couple as we sometimes call them. Can't believe Dubai is finally happening alhamdulilah, think we will be flying out in September cos the heat will be too much to handle

I've got some Afro tunes and a little drake on so I can't be that ill cos im whining to it lol. Even though I can't whine

Oh my uni friend had tonsillitis which is why she was in the hospital

I said I love to you my sister. We didn't speak long which im happy about I don't mean that in a mean way I just cba for a deep long conv tonight

I seen a car but omg if I buy that I will be brokeeeeee . And can't even pick up much shifts cos of uni.

Tomorrow night is the first time in actually dreading going into work cos idk how im gonna be feeling. I might go home sick if I really can't handle it 😭

So what I wanted to write about A
I randomly remembered the other day when I was at the cinema with him and took my hoodie off, he tugged my shirt down so it wouldn't lift up to expose myself and for some reason I only just remembered to write about that lol I thought that was so sweet

Think that was it

Oh and he's gonna have a look at a car for me tomorrow
As much as it'll rinse my bank account, it's a necessity I mean I bought this phone for like £1.5k and so I'm sure I can spend 1k more for a car

Think I'm gonna chill and head off to sleep

I forgot to
Mention his mum gave me a pink hijab which I thought was so thoughtful

I watched the son and it broke me but I didn't like it too much at the same time

I hugged my mum good bye and I kinda feel bad for not being able to help but I genuinely don't have the energy right now I'm actually kinda glad I didn't go out with the girls today

Gonna have Sudafed then hit the pillow 🫡

I'm feeling really overwhelmed. Like extremely. And it tends to hit me at night. It's uni now.

I don't wanna go into work tomorrow even though I'm gonna need the money if I buy this car

And I wanna get good grades

Last year all I used to say was I wish I could fast forward time cos I was finding my life stressful
Now that stress has died down and I genuinely don't find it stressful but now I'm finding uni stressful, it's not so much the may exam but the June exam
Don't get me wrong I'm stressed for the may one as well but not so much as the June one . Think I'm gonna start spending my days at the library

I just feel so worn out
My friend messaged me saying you been giving uni, placement , work and your friends your time, when are you gonna give yourself time and I'm like damn right init
it's just hard studying when it's for a degree Idek I wanna do anymore

Random fact
Gustave is a large crocodile but the largest is a big ass deceased called Lolong .

Lol also I randomly remembered when me and my friends were at the Starbucks drive thru the other day and they kept saying things to make me laugh as I was ordering and I had to keep apologising to the person cos they wouldn't stop😭😂

Also I'm in the mood to rewatch step up
They don't make movies like they used to anymore the older ones are the best
Same with songs

Okay I feel fine now

In fact I feel horny 😭
I normally squeeze my legs tight if it feels good I can't help it , just happens but I have noticed when it feels really really good, think it's when I have to pee, not sure idk, but I actually spread my legs further, I've not noticed this much but I did notice it once when I was at his, didn't even realise I did until after lol

And honestly I'll try my absolute best to be as quiet as I can but sometimes it can't be helped and he'll cover my mouth with his hand he's done it a few times and it's SUCH a turn on for me 😂only when it's needed though 😭 idk why 😂 I need to stop thinking about it 😭

Or when he sighs or groans urghhfjdisjxjjdsn okay I'm torturing myself lol


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