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I literally almost overslept lol woops. A slightly later start in uni today, and the weather is sooo lush. Going subzero today, I want the bubblegum ice cream and peanut butter one 😛 already had a slice of cake for breakfast

I also had the weirdest dream?? Police found a dead body by the woods by my house and there were so many detectives outside it was trippy.

I'm still thinking about emailing work about Friday 😫 not sure . I asked mum when Ramadan starts for us and I think it's Friday for us. I still haven't started my period lol.

Never mind turns out Ramadan is Thursday for us as well. And dad has fully insured me on the car now he's paying monthly. Cos the short term insurance finished last night. One less stress


I just ate the noodles, idk why but the ice cream made me so full normally that wouldn't fill me up but i genuinely was so full. I normally don't crave ice cream or eat it too much like it's not something I am that fond of so for me to crave ice cream means I really want it lol. I took the noodles home and made myself eat it all cos it's Ramadan tomorrow. I do not wanna be struggling during uni tomorrow, we have a full day as well. Now I need to down water, my stomach turns into an ocean during Ramadan 🙃

I have a lot to write about but I'm genuinely so so so tired. I'm not entirely sure why I'm so tired, I struggled getting out of bed this morning too and that's quite unnatural for me cos once my alarm goes off, I'm up. But urgh it's been a struggle. I know right before your period comes on, some hormones drop and it makes you really tired so it could be that. We actually did some work on female sexual health and menopause and periods today and talked about hormones. Our bodies go through so much, I understand why we get mood swings now honestly it all makes sense.

I can't keep myself awake to write about my day today. I briefly caught up with a few of my friends, particularly my one uni friend, I've introduced her to voice notes and now that's all she sends 😂

Ayrton paid for all the food and dessert and water and it was all so tasty, I am so happy I had subzero the peanut butter ice cream just hits differently urgh it was so good, I was in my own world eating whilst they were talking I was in peanut butter heaven. The noodles were tasty like yeah I forced myself to eat it but it was so flavoursome and so saucy I loved it, would have been tastier with mushrooms. Bless him I hope he knows I appreciate it all, I always make sure to say thank you cos I genuinely am thanking him.

The rest will be spoken about tomorrow cos I have a lot I wanna say
Gonna be knocked out in bed as soon as I put my phone away

Good night diary

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