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Uni was cancelled today, again. only had a morning lecture. Sat in costa. Every time i go into costa, i can't help but see little pieces of me and ayrton scattered around this building. where we once sat, where we ordered drinks, where we chilled. That time he wore his white jeans and blue jumper and we went out. I lowkey keep seeing cars similar to his driving past and for some stupid reason my heart lights up and I think it's him lol.

I feel a bit ill today, sneezing, nose is running, light-headed, haven't ate breakfast today. But I'm trying my best.

Right now, sat in costa on the sofa, there's this old man sat to the left of the building by the big windows and he's doing a puzzle in a newspaper or sudoku or something. His hands have a tremor so he keeps shaking. He's so cute. He's sat alone. It breaks my heart I really wanna go up to him and talk to him, learn about his life.

As I left the house this morning, i walked past an elderly couple who I've never seen before, they instantly smiled at me and said hi so of course I reciprocated it. Then I walked into my opposite neighbour who I absolutely adore and I stopped and talked to her for a bit. She said she's just been back from the gym and I was like annn i oooppp, haven't been to the gym in 8 days lol. Was gonna go today but I'm not feeling the best and youre not meant to gym or anything when you're on or close to being on.

I reached out to Ayrton this morning, like I said, it's always me, I knew it was gonna be me, but I'm used to it at this point lol. I cant be bothered for grudges lol, it's immature, both parties talk, both understand, both grow together.

6 letter word: rarely. trying to see if there's a pattern, a lot of the same letter.

Lol I wrote this earlier today not knowing what was gonna happen tonight. - 00:21am

I write stuff earlier in the day and wait until night or the next day to upload. Gave my all, my entire everything.

547 daysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora