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Didn't write yesterday but As soon as I woke up , I went gym yesterday. Really pushed myself. Ilham invited me to go out to cdiff but I needed to do a bit of uni work but I said I could do weekend. Need to balance it all out.

Debating going gym, not sure if I'm feeling it right now. Will do uni work. Really wanna watch scream I've heard good things about it.
It's my mums bday on Monday and it's also Persian new year on Monday too so Mondays gonna be busy for me, it's Mother's Day tomorrow but I think we are just gonna celebrate on Monday as whole. She just told me she prefers Iranian Mother's Day which we celebrated the other week.
Snap memories tells me this time two years ago, I drove me and Ilham to England and then we went cdiff and tried fat twins for the first time
As it had just opened.
Might go out with friends today if I've done enough uni work during the day

Ilham invited me to go out today but she's meeting with her friends from her old work and I didn't wanna intrude cos her other friends don't know I'd be coming. I appreciated that from her and for thinking of me but I wouldn't wanna intrude.

We have made plans to go swimming right before Ramadan on Thursday if we are all off our period and if I haven't started yet. I don't think swimming will happen tbh.

We have booked mine and Ilham a lodge for out joint birthday party at a STUNNING lodge, overnight stay for the 3rd June. We made a group chat, there's four of us, two Yemenis, a Pakistani and a Persian lol.
It's £150 and it has a jacuzzi and we all planned it around our period and exams and work schedules lol, it's a joint party for me and Ilham since our birthdays is only a week apart. It's about an hours drive from us. Im looking forward to that. In regards to the periods, one girl was like she'll just wear a tampon but they cringe me idk why. We are gonna go bikini shopping lol, it's fun to do these small things. Make memories. Chill girls night.

My work emailed me yesterday and all the paperwork is now complete alhamdulilah and just need to arrange a start date they said in their email.

Im taking the girls to jacks on Tuesday. I had plans with uni girls on Tuesday to go out for food as a last thing before Ramadan, only three of us are Muslim out of our friendship group but the rest of the girls are understanding. But they wanna rearrange and do another day I think? Not sure what's happening really so if it's not happening I've told the girls I'm taking them to jacks and then subzeros. I introduced them to subzeros and they loved the ice cream lol. So Tuesdays a date in cphilly if it goes to plan, Isra said she finishes work at 8 so she isn't sure she can come, but we shall see.


what a day and a half. was quite productive, ate quite healthy today as well, i think i actually do eat healthy, we have been brought up to eat healthy and to incorporate exercise but i have a massive sweet tooth lol, so i just try and balance it out.

i watched a quiet place with mum, i had seen it before but i wanted to spend time with her. caught up with H, and im actually in shock, a video has been going round in the community ... theres so much more to it but she told me not to tell anyone and to keep it a secret. she really needed someone to talk to today so we spoke and had a catch up.

last min plan with tashy. was so fun omg, she was making me laugh so much.
I could barely tell you the plot of the film if anyone ask
We went to Morrisons to grab snacks as it's cheaper and I got a white chocolate lions bar and a Starbucks drink which was actually so tasty I feel like they've changed the recipe cos it was so foamy. I checked for the donuts and they had one packet of chocolate orange I didn't want it. Tash knows how much I want the Black Forest chocolate so she went in the chocolate aisle to look for it for me bless her.

In the cinema, every trailer that would come on, I'd say "that looks good" I didn't even realise I was saying it lol, it genuinely did look good, but I'd say it within like three seconds 😂 so the next trailer that came on, tash goes "that looks good"😂😂😂 to take the piss lol and it made us both laugh and I snorted loud and the guys in front of us turned back to look at us and laughed 😂😂

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