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What a dayyyyy. I'm shattered. So I actually finished cleaning the house and stuff, and had a nice long bath, and then binge watched You and finished it, crazy ending, I was actually baffled towards the end episodes what a plot twist.

It makes me think if there are actually people like that in the world. Scary.

I've had such a good day today. Was kinda spontaneous, discovered a new place to go for foooodddd. We parked up by a rugby stadium and I think there was a game on and you could hear the crowd and stuff and the atmosphere was crazy, and it was good cos it wasn't by any pubs or anything , it's only a ten min drive from mine, so there weren't any drunk people around.

I wanted Nando's but the one by me isn't halal but I absolutely love the halloumi sticks from there 🤤

The coffee place was so aesthetic, I got a blueberry smoothie and a chocolate orange brownie but it was too sweet so we shared it between the three of us. We were gonna go for dessert but thankfully one of us was sensible enough to say we shouldn't lol.

I also bought jeans from the kids section in river island and idk if that's embarrassing or not. But it genuinely fits me fine. It's the first pair of jeans I've owned that doesn't have a zipper, it's just one button, cos the waist is stretchy. But I liked the colour on them. I think they're more like jeggings, I really want this black and gold bag from RI but I need to save and also my Levi slides are literally wrecked lol I really need new ones they're so comfy.

I'm going out tomorrow and my one friend wants to do pottery painting and it looks kinda boring but the place is a cafe as well as pottery painting I think? It's called paint on me, it'll be nice to do something different. Gonna have an early night now as I need to wake up early to do uni work. Can't be slacking.

I also found vegan fruit pastilles so it has no gelatine and I'm like faaaabuloussss. My mum made delicious Persian food, the dish she made is actually one of my least favourite Persian meals but this one was SO GOOD. But I actually didn't have much of an appetite so I didn't eat much.

I need to go gym tomorrow morning too. Need to feel better about myself.

I am gonna upload that diary entry that I deleted probably tonight later if I'm awake or tomorrow. Cos it's just sitting in my drafts. The whole point of this is to get my mind off things.

Good night diary

Also, my Polaroid is fully broken. No saving it and I'm honestly so sad, if I could have any gift, it would be that, (and perfume and hoodies and trainers lol)

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