After planting a long peck against the end of his nose, the teen then pushed her face back with a tight lipped smile.

Just as she was about to drop her hands down, she saw the blonde take a large step closer to her so that their bodies were touching, and she could also see how Zero's eyes turned into a darker blue, "More..."

"Ummm.. okay...?" Y/N narrowed her E/C eyes and gently trailed her hands down the males neck before she pressed her lips against Zero's once more, noticing how he hungrily kissed her back.

Zero pushed his face closer to Y/Ns with every heated kiss he gave her, and she was confused since she thought the kiss would be very innocent and simple.

The blonde moaned into the kiss while he stepped onto his tippy toes and reached his hand up to the back of the woman's head, silently allowing his other to move down to the buckle on his pants.

Tilting his head up and allowing the hot kiss to break, Zero moaned out in pleasure as he quickly turned himself around so that his back hit the wall. "Fuck me Y/N...!"

The confused female pulled her lips away from Zero's neck and looked off to the side, even more confusion growing inside her head. "Right now?-"

"R-Right here... Right now..!!" I-" He forced the female head back into his neck with a high whimper. "I.. Need.. I NEED IT..!! FUCK ME...! P-PLEASE, Y/N!!"

Not liking the screams that came from Zero, Y/N pulled her head away from him with a stern and disgusted look across her face. "Zero, what the hell?"

She watched as the boy twitched against the wall with the large bulge sticking out of the center of his pants and his one hand already unbuckling his belt.

Luckily the girl just pushed her hand out and placed it on top of his to stop him. "Zero... Are you okay?"

"I NEED YOU TO FUCK ME!!!!" Once the male let those few words out, he already started to break down. Tears were violently coming down his cheeks and he was standing dead still with his shoulders bouncing with each wail he let out.

"I NEED IT, Y/N!! YOU.." He choked on his words, not noticing the even more confused yet pitiful expression over the woman's features. "I NEED IT OR YOU WON'T EVER DO IT AGAINMMMH!!!!"

His voice had very obvious cracks in it and Y/N didn't know what to do because even if she was going to fuck the blonde, she was very turned off at the moment.

Slapping the back of his hands up to each of his eyes, he began to aggressively wipe his dears with sniffles and a pink nose. "JUST DO IT Y/N!!!"

"No." She stepped away from the man, "I... I can't do it Zero..."

"WHY?!" He cried even harder, a pounding headache already forming in his mind as he dropped down to his knees with snot running down his nose. "JUST DO IT! PLEASE!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!"

A grimace made its way to the woman's face, and she couldn't do anything but just stare. She was at a complete loss of words.

"D-DO YOU NEED TO GET H-HORNY?!!?!" He shouted, little of his tears dropping down against the floor. "I- I'M YOUR GOOD BOY! PLEASE!! I'M GOOD, Y/N!! I LOVE YOU!! PLEASE! FUCK ME!!!"

Y/N was actually growing really concerned for the boy, so she just decided that she'd see what was wrong for herself.

Moving away from the blonde, that continued to cry for her and beg for her, Y/N turned over to the side and bit on the inside of her cheek, her eyes going all around the boys house.

The girl then stopped in her tracks at the sight of a small girl peeking out from the top of the stairs. She gasped and then looked at the man that was having a complete meltdown before she turned back to the blonde girl. She didn't know how the girl could live like this.

The blonde little girl didn't move at all, she just turned her eyes over to the kitchen before she then turned them back to the H/C haired teen with worry in her eyes.

Y/N strained her E/C eyes before she took slow steps over to the kitchen, her walking only slowing down once she her the next chants that came from Zero.

"NO! NO!!! PLEASE! NOT RIGHT NOW!! I- I'M NOT READY, Y/N!! COME BACK! FUCK ME INSTEAD!!" His voice was getting lost, his entire face was red, and his heart felt like it'd just spun around fifty times.

Turning another corner, the blondes yelling becoming a bit more muffled, her eyes went wide in horror and shock and her stomach dropped at what she was looking at.

There was a dead Jane on the floor turning pale and ashy, her eyes were lifeless and cold, her hair was messy and dry due to the blood, the few knives stuck in her throat, and there was a large pool of blood underneath her that was only spreading even more. It definitely wasn't a sight she wanted to see.

The woman then scoffed out in disgust with her breathing getting rougher and her stomach feeling like there was moths instead of butterflies flying inside of it before she whirled herself back to where she came from and began to sprint away.

Just as she was about to reach the door, she saw the blonde swoop in front of her with a dead straight face.

He opened his arms wide with a clenched jaw, "You can't leave... You're apart of this now whether you like it or not, Y/N..."

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Y/N screamed, horror becoming more clear on her face. "I'M LEAVING! I'M NOT APART OF THIS, A-AND YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY!"

"YOU CAN'T!!" Zero shouted back, his old tears coming down his cheek, "YOU CAN'T FUCKING LEAVE ME Y/N!! I LOVE YOU! I NEED YOUR HELP WITH THIS, AND YOU'RE GONNA HELP ME!!!"

Y/N was in actual disbelief at what she was hearing and she could've sworn that she was about to throw up at what she'd just seen. "THE FUCK?! I'M NOT HELPING YOU WITH SHIT, YOU FUCKING PSYCHO! LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS!!!"

"STOP... YELLING AT ME..!!!" The boy wasn't going to lie. The yelling was putting him into even more stress and frustration. "Y/N! YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME!! IF.. YOU DO.... I'LL... GIVE MYSELF IN AND TELL THEM THAT YOU KNEW ABOUT THE BODY!!!!"

The females mouth parted and her eyes went even wider. Sure she didn't think that what Jane did was right and she didn't like her very much, but she didn't think that she deserved to die.

"What...?" She said with teary eyes, her voice also barley above a whisper.

Zero slowly pushed his arms down with his heart pounding through his body. "You heard me.... I.. don't want to do this, but... You're all I have!!"

Anyways.... Yujin reveal!!! (Imagine him w glasses I'm too lazy to do allat)

 Yujin reveal!!! (Imagine him w glasses I'm too lazy to do allat)

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