Cale agreed. "A house this size, food like this, and time to relax, it sounds like the dream." He was thinking that this was how he was going to live his life once Basen became the Official Successor.

Adara looked outside as she took another sip of her wine, it was getting dark already. Almost absent-mindedly she commented, "We should get a wolf."

Cale looked at her like she was crazy. "What?"

She shrugged. "Well, we have kittens— which are felines. A Dragon— who is technically a reptilian even though they say they're a whole species by themselves. And now we just need a canine, and I'm recommending the wolf. I always wanted a wolf when I was younger."

Cale was about to retort something, something about definitely not getting a wolf when Adara sat up straight again. Her head turned to the door, confused. Before Cale could ask, three knocks sounded at the door.

The Black Dragon turned invisible almost immediately and the kittens started to pretend to be normal kittens by washing their faces.

Adara was standing up and heading to the door. Cale followed her, but he accidentally hit a wine bottle while getting up. Adara, who had a hand on the door, rushed in the blink of an eye to catch the falling wine bottle. Cale blinked. And Adara got up, put the wine bottle back on the table, and started walking to the door again. Sometimes it hit Cale in the face just how much slower and weaker he was than Adara.

He didn't want to ask Adara who it was, but he had an ominous feeling.

Adara had frozen the second she heard unrecognisable footsteps. But that was normal in this unknown house where she didn't know anyone. But then she froze further when she heard Choi Han's footsteps. How is he here? He can't be here unless he travels like a lunatic. He shouldn't be here for another three days. And Crown Princess Rosalyn is definitely with him, but Lock should be injured. Choi Han would never force an injured person to move faster, especially since the potions that we gave him don't work on the Wolf Tribe since they were disowned by the gods. Her mind ran with the calculations. The chances of him physically being on the other side of this door are 100,01% considering his footsteps. The chances of Choi Han forcing an injured person to move are nigh 4,98% considering the type of person he is. The chances of Crown Princess Rosalyn using advanced magic to teleport them here are higher— 7,53%— but not much considering the cautious and careful precautions she is undergoing since surviving the assassination attempt. But they are definitely on the other side of this door.

She reached her hand to the doorknob and opened it. She was expecting it, but her heart still sank as she saw Choi Han in front of her.

"Cale-nim, Adara-nim. I'm sorry. You were the only people that came to mind."

He looks desperate, Adara thought. And like a mess. Her eyes wandered away from Choi Han, next to him, was Deputy Butler Hans, who was confused. A bit behind the two, was a red-haired person who wasn't taking her eyes off of Adara's scars. And, of course, there was also an injured person on Choi Han's back.

Adara sent a brief look towards Cale who was still looking at Lock. "I was joking when I mentioned having a wolf."

He sent her a look that seemed to say that she had jinxed it.

Lock was in no state to be paying attention to his surroundings, but Rosalyn became attentive when she saw who opened the door. It was a red-headed man and next to him was a Southerner. With pitch-black hair. Her eyes widened. Only the Royal Family had such dark hair. A princess? Or the Queen? But then Rosalyn frowned. What is Southern Royalty doing in the Capital during a celebration? Especially during the Festival. Only then did Choi Han's sentence come to her. Adara... Adara Thornwin. The Trash of the North-East, or well half of it. And the other half, Rosalyn's eyes wandered over to Cale before turning back to Adara. Choi Han had talked about Adara. So this is her. Her scars are bigger than they say, it stretches across her whole face. What could have happened to a simple Count's Daughter for her to get an injury like that?

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