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~Demetri's POV~

"I'll see you girls again when we can" I watch as Alyssa and Penelope say goodbye to Rory and her them. It's been a few days and the mind reader turned the blood singer, Rory took away the current transitioning vampires mental shield so now her thoughts are loud and clear. If that newborn wasn't so...what word is appropriate to name her? Manipulative? No...Self centered? No...bitchy? I don't think there is one single word that accounts for everything that about to be newborn is. Well, if she wasn't that then she would have been a powerful vampire since she had a shield already formed as a human but now? Nope.

"Bye Aunt Penny" Damien hugs the girls "bye Aunt Aly"

"Bye Damien" the girls hug him before kissing the twins heads. The twins after three days now look to be almost a year old, I hope Rory can figure out that aging spell "bye Aerion and Nicky" when they go through the portal, Rory holds Damien who wanted to go through since he's curious about the other universe. I am too but Rory said it's best we don't go now and I trust her, especially when that one human is going to reveal to humans about supernaturals in that other universe. Family safety first, curiosity later.

We head back inside to where the Cullens look at us, Rory sends them a warning glare having them look away. That Rosalie is holding the newborn hybrid girl, Renesnee. What an odd name, Renee and Esme. Sure Aerion isn't a normal name but it's very similar to Aaron so it's better than that tongue twisters Renesmee. Did that current transitioning newborn even like her child? Or was it a pawn? We all know that Carlisle never turns unless the person's life is in danger.

Once we hear the heart stop, the mind reader goes into the room and deals with his mistake. "You better" I warn Carlisle Cullen "teach that newborn restraint and if something happens where my family is going to be harmed"

"We're ending you" Rory says, they look at her "that newborn is all of your" waving to the whole group "responsibility as is that hybrid"

"What about the imprints?" Esme asks. Right, after killing that one imprint and wolf shifter—Rory made it very clear that the wolves leave us alone if they don't want the remaining imprints to die. Which is that Kim, Claire and Emily who also happens to be pregnant.

"Oh right" I suppress the urge to snort since even I forgot about the remaining three imprints. Rory looks at me and I shrug my shoulders "we'll take them back to our home" Rory declares "we'll send the corpse of Emily Young back to her family after some time, that Kim? What to do about her?"

"We could always feed her to Damien and the twins" suggesting to her, the Cullens look at us horrified. Oh get over it! Your motherfucking vampires! Stop thinking your better than everyone!

"What about that Claire?" She asks, we are silent as we debate "She and Damien are good friends"

"True" agreeing "I'm good with bringing her back home and raising her"

"Turn her when she's eighteen?" She asks

"Sounds good to me" looking at the Cullens "we'll leave after a few days"

~Few Days Later~

"Where" Claire asks me as I buckle her into her car seat "are we going?" Finally my family and I are leaving the Cullens, I swear if I had to endure one more day I was about to kill someone from that coven. That newborn was enraged that Rory took away her shield but hey! Not our fault that Rory did what she did, she also took away Alice Cullen's ability to see the future and Edward Cullens ability to read minds. She didn't so much as took it away then just put up a block, like how that newborn was a shield. Rory decided to piggy back off that ability kind of by blocking the gifts. She's planning on doing the same thing to Aro so that no vampire can risk thinking the wrong thing.

"We're going to someplace sunny" I tell her "you get to play on the beach all the time, it's nice and sunny, we're even going to teach you a new language" bopping her nose having her giggle. Looking at that Emily "unlike my mate, I will kill you and that baby if you make one wrong move. Understand?" She nods her head "your husband Sam shouldn't have threatened us"

"Please" she begs "don't kill me" I just close the door and get into the drivers seat, Rory sits in the passenger seat once the twins are secured in their spots.

"So" Rory tells me "yesterday I compelled someone for our own private jet"

"Really?" I ask

She nods her head "I've been meaning to practice the ability to compel, plus the crew know to keep quiet and not to do anything about certain...enigma's" looking at the Emily who holds Claire to her as she cries, there's a bandage around her neck from where Rory bit into her. That Kim? We drained her of her blood before giving it to the kids.

"So" I ask Rory "tell me about this Vampire Academy?"

"I really need to publish some of the books from my old universe here" she mutters shaking her head

"Isn't that technically plagiarism?" I ask

She shrugs her shoulders before wagging her finger "I thought that at first, still am. I looked it up and the author's of the books I love don't exist here, but part of me is wondering if it's technically plagiarism even though the person doesn't exist here"

"Moral dilemma?"

She nods her head "Exactly. So the author GRRM? He doesn't exist in this universe, but he does in my universe. How would this even work?"

"Maybe" I suggest "say that this man is an uncle of yours or great uncle who's manuscript you found of all these books?"

"But they man doesn't exist"

"I'm pretty sure as an immortal you need to change your name all the time" I say "unlike the Cullens" shaking my head "you know what? Let's talk about this when I'm not driving, I might do something and I'm not risking our family"

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