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~Mikaelson's POV~

"Well?" Hope asks when Rebekah opens her eyes, the Mikaelson's are at the Salvatore School with the Super Squad "Did you see her?"

"Oh yes" nodding her head "that Demetri is poisoning her mind, saying he's her soulmate"

"What?!" Everyone else exclaims

"Soulmates don't exist" Lizzie shakes her head

"Actually" Ben says, everyone looking at Jen and Ben "they do"

"It's really rare" Jen says "our father evil as he May passed a law stating that no mated couples are to be harmed"

"Soulmates are real?" Kol asks

"Very real" Jen nods her head "so if Rory found hers, she won't want to come back since she's found someone to spend eternity with her"

"But she has to come back!" Hope exclaims "I may have been a horrible sister in the past but I'm trying to make up for it! She can't dump all of this for some guy!" Storming out of the room despite being yelling for her.

~Rory's POV~

"This painting" I motion to Demetri "there is so much emotion, I can't believe the artist managed to put such strong emotions" we are staring at this one painting, it's a woman with a hard expression. Mostly black and white save for the eyes which are blood shot.

It's our third date and we are at an art gallery in France—Demetri wanted me away from the supernatural world for a bit so he took me to the city of love, Demetri picked it out the gallery. He knows his art "That" Demetri looks at the sign of the name of the Painting from the artist and the purpose "is what he was going for, how in today's society some people work to live while others live to work. That those who work to live tire themselves out"

"Even without the description any fool can see that this painting" waving to the art "shows not just hard work but pain, that in today's society they push themselves so hard that it takes both a physical and emotional toll"

"Good eye" looking over, we see a blonde woman in a black pantsuit come over with a French accent "not many people see that with this painting, most go to the others with the louder and brightly colors"

"Are you the artist?" I ask

She shakes her head "I am many things but an artist, no. Cami"

"I'm Rory and this is Demetri my husband" I introduce them.

"Pleased to meet you" we shake hands "are you visiting Paris from America?"

"Italy" Demetri wraps his arm around my shoulders "we live there but I grew up in a small town in Greece"

"And I in New Orlean"

"Really?" She asks "I've always wanted to visit, what is it like? I hear the music is amazing"

"It is" nodding my head "just like with paintings those who play their music make it such an art that you can't get enough of it"

"Rory is an artist herself" Demetri brags about my talents to Cami.

"Really?" She asks

Demetri pulls out his phone "You have my paintings? Sketches?" I ask

He nods his head "A part to remember you always by" he shows Cami who is amazed.

She looks at me "You did this?" Showing me and I nod my head "this is amazing, would you mind if I put up a few of your pieces here?"

"Really?" I ask

She nods her head "There are people who create art for a science in a way like with cooking and those who create art as a passion, you've got the passion that I want"

"Alright" she squeals, she hands me her business card.

"We'll call you tomorrow" Demetri says, she nods her head leaving and I look at Demetri "I knew you have a talent, I want the world to see also. I'm sorry if I over stepped"

"No" shaking my head "It's completely alright, I've just only showed my pieces a few times but after that"

"What pieces will you have Cami see?" He asks as we walk away from the painting.

"I don't know" shaking my head "maybe you could help me find one?"

"I'd love to" he smiles

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