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"Hold my hand" I order as Carlisle cuts our child out, it's been about a few minutes as Rory is sweating and screaming to get our child out. Once Carlisle breaks the frozen sac, he pulls out a baby who is crying and wailing.

"A boy" he tells us

"Give" I order, he nods his head and I smile down at our son. Aerion Robb Stark, he opens his eyes looking around after crying and I see he has his mother's hazel with green flecks she has and blonde hair. More of a darker tone of a blonde like mine, than Rory's which is near white.

"There's another" he says, looking over I notice him pull out another baby who is crying loudly.

"What is it?" Rory tiredly asks, she told me this will happen. But she'll come back from the dead, she's a tribrid.

"A girl" he tells us

"Nikole" Rory breathes out "Nikole Odessa Stark" I take our daughter as Rory breathed her last breath as a human, pain is in me but I need to remember that she's coming back.

"Isn't he going to save her?" I hear the blood singer ask, we made it very clear that she is not to know what Rory or the babies are. All she knows is that Rory is a witch while the babies are hybrids. Why we need to stare the obvious to these people? I don't know.

"Would you like help?" Carlisle asks "cleaning your children up?"

"Fine" agreeing, but only because my hands are completely filled. Carlisle takes my son as I clean up my daughter who I see has blue eyes like me and her mother's hair. Why do I have a bad feeling? Like she'll be going on dates when she's like ten.

Picking up my children, I notice Esme go to my mate "Clean and change my mate into the clothes she had me lay out, then leave her where she is" Esme looks my way. She nods her head as I take Nikole and Aerion to Damien when I see two humans here.

"Hi" the one with Asian features smiles to me "I'm Alyssa, this is Penelope" oh, the witches that my mate is friends with and helped bring to me "you must be Demetri"

"Hello" nodding my head

"Are those the babies?" Penelope asks, I nod my head "Can we hold them and meet Damien?"

"Of course" I hand Nikole to Alyssa and Aerion to Penelope "this is Nikole and this one is Aerion?" They smirk "what?"

"Game of Thrones?" They ask

"How did you know?"

"Rory is a major" Alyssa says "Game of Thrones fan, especially Stark and Targaryen" hearing the steps of tiny feet, we look over to see Damien up and rubbing his eye tired "is this him?"

"It is" nodding my head, going over to Damien "hey buddy" picking him up "guess who's here?" He looks around before his eyes widen on his siblings "it's your baby brother and sister"

"Brother and sister?!" He exclaims

I nod my head "These are also friends of your mama, Penelope and Alyssa"

"Oh" Penelope smiles "you look just like your mama"

"I'm guessing she's in transition?" Alyssa asks, I nod my head "we would have come sooner but school"

"I understand" nodding my head, kind of. I don't really understand this whole universe thing.

~Rory's POV~

I'm in darkness before seeing light, walking around I see I'm in that bar that my family loves coming to. Turning to the bar I see a group of people I never thought I'd see again "Mom? Dad?" They stop chattering and their eyes widen on me.

"Rory!" Mom comes over and hugs me, dad comes over as well "oh my beautiful baby girl"

"I love you both so much" smiling as I hug them

"Why are you fighting with your sister?" Dad demands

"Dad" sighing "we were having a nice moment"

"Rory listen to me" he says "It's amazing to see you, but why are you fighting? Family is supposed to be Always us and Forever, we see how Hope has been and to see that it's disgusting to me and Hayley" we see Hayley who is in Uncle Elijah's arms "your given a second chance my beautiful wolf, please don't waist it"

"Hi Uncle Elijah" smiling going over to him, he smiles hugging me.

"We know" he says "about your children"

"Thank you" Dad says "for naming them after us...but you need to know something" tilting my head "that Jacob Black told and now your family is in danger, they need you"

"Will I see you again?" I ask

"Not" mom puts her hand on my face "for a very long time, in which we all want stories. Even Uncle Finn and Camille" looking over I see two people I haven't met before, or have I?

"Hello Rory" my Uncle Finn smiles "I'm so sorry I wasn't there long enough for you to remember"

"I understand" shaking my head "Mikaelson drama" going over I hug them, they hug me.

"Also your father is right" Uncle Finn nods his head "just remember that no matter what this is your life that your living, so if you don't want Hope in your life that is your decision but don't shut out everyone. Kol loves you very much, so does Davina and the rest of them"

"I need to get back" I say feeling myself be pulled back to my body.

"Of course" Camille nods her head "it's great seeing you and you remembering"

Gasping, I look around feeling hungry. Getting up, I notice a blood bag and take it. Drinking it, I hear lightning and look out the window to see the sky is red with clouds all around and my vampire side activating. "Why is the sky red?" Someone asks

"Rory is back" I hear Penelope? Rushing out of the room, I stop before Penelope and Alyssa who smile seeing me, I smile brightly back.

"What is she?" Looking over that Jacob demands

"You" snarling at him, running at him I grab him by his throat tightly "your dead"

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