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~Rory's POV~

Demetri's cold hand twirls me around as we are in this nightclub that I found, it has great ratings and the music is awesome with lights going all around. I decided to have us go here for our second date, our first date was to go bowing and it was amazing. It even ended with a kiss goodnight, as in I was in bed really tired since after bowling Demetri and I went walking through Volterra.

"Want to get out of here?" Demetri asks me

I nod my head and we leave the club to go to the beach, the water is beautiful with the moon lighting it. "Want to do something crazy?" I ask him

He looks at me "And your version of crazy?"

"Skinny dipping" taking off my top and bra, Demetri smiles and the next thing I know he's undressed. Right, vampire speed. When my pants and thong are gone, Demetri picks me up and runs us into the water.

I laugh before gasping at the cold water, my arms instinctively wrap around his neck and legs around his waist. His hands wrapped around me, holding me close "In your human days" I ask "did you do this?"

"Skinny dip?" I nod my head "Before swimwear was invented, people went skinny dipping. Have you ever gone skinny dipping before?"

"Once before" nodding my head "with my friends Penelope and Alyssa, we were twelve and my mom had just died so I wanted to do something spontaneous" I then notice something "what's that?"

Demetri looks over and his arms tighten around me "A great white" Really? Muttering a spell I duck my head under keeping hold of Demetri to see a great white going in circles. Coming up for air, I look at Demetri "Animals, predators tend to stay away from cold ones"

"How does it feel?" I ask "being a cold one? Like I know with traditional vampires the older younger the stronger and faster you get. My Uncle Kol told me that he could feel himself getting stronger and faster as time went on but also emotionally he didn't seem to care until he met my Aunt Davina"

"Well I try not to get attached to humans" he explains "everything is still for me, I try to keep in touch with the world but it gets sad sometimes. Physically since our veins are frozen we get harder to kill but also slower and weaker while as children in this life we are easier to kill. How does it feel? Being a tribrid?"

"Lonely" I say "back at the school I was at, they have all three groups but being a tribrid I wouldn't fit in no matter how much I tried. When I found some friends, two died and that rest followed Lizzie my ex friend. The only people who stuck by me were Penelope and Alyssa, they actually helped me come here"

Staring into Demetri's red eyes since his contacts melted, I'm silent as I feel my heart pound in my chest. Leaning in, I close my eyes to kiss him. If you told me before coming here and meeting Demetri that kissing him would make me feel whole, make me feel amazing like I could do anything I would call you crazy. Now being here in his arms, I feel like I can conquer the world.

Moaning against his mouth, I feel him hardening underneath me having me smile. The moment is ruined when I hear a female voice "AURORA CAMILLE MIKAELSON!" Gasping, pulling back we look over to the beach seeing one of my family members here.

"Who's that?" Demetri growls, his beautiful red eyes black with anger.

"My aunt" I answer, we see Aunt Bex with her arms crossed looking at us.

"Vampire?" He asks, I nod my head "if I fought her"

"There's a good chance you'll die" I answer "remember even thought your both over a thousand years old, she has the strength and speed"

"She isn't taking you from me" he shakes his head

"She's most likely astral projecting" I whisper

"Young lady!" Aunt Bex yells "get your butt out of the water this instance, your going to shiver up and end up like a prune!"

Groaning, I place my head on Demetri's shoulder "Can't we just has this time?"

"She doesn't look to be leaving anytime" he says "can't you do that one thing with Hope?"

"My aunt is having someone help her, my other aunts most likely" unwrapping my legs from Demetri's waist "time to meet the aunt, one of them" taking his hand we go to shore where my aunt is waiting for us. I block Demetri's body with my own as my aunt stares at my face.

"Young lady" she says "you" pointing her finger at me "are in big trouble. Do you know how worried we are? Is this the husband?"

"Didn't seem worried about my life before" saying as Demetri and I put on our clothes "and yes, this is my husband" taking Demetri's hand "he's also my soulmate"

Aunt Bex cursed "Look honey, I know what it's like how your feeling. Wanting to run away from it all, but your family and always and forever we stick together. Your father taught us that"

"He may have taught you that and had Hope and I swear always and forever" I shake my head "but I'm not you guys, you didn't seem to care about what was happening with me. Only two people did and we did something about it"

"I'm sorry we weren't there but you can't turn your back on family"

"Demetri is my family now" I say, he wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head.

"I don't know" Aunt Bex points a finger at my soulmate "what you have been telling my niece, but"

"Your niece" Demetri interjects "is a grown woman who can make her own decisions, I did nothing. I support the decisions she makes and if you could kindly stop meddling in our lives that would be much appreciated"

"Goodbye Aunt Bex" we leave the beach not looking at Aunt Bex as she yells my name.

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