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"Why didn't you tell me the condoms broke?" I demand from Demetri as I pace around along with him, I just took three pregnancy tests and I can't believe this is happening. After I ended the call, Demetri and I ran off the beach and went to the pharmacy to get some pregnancy sticks.

"I didn't think this could happen" he growls as we continue to pace, thunder claps loudly outside. Yeah, apparently after learning what happened I created a horrible storm where everyone was ordered to go inside.

"I'm sitting down" I sit down on the couch as Demetri continues to pace, when the timer goes off we freeze. Turning off the alarm I look at Demetri "well?"

"What?" He asks looking at me "I'm not looking"

"Your the one who didn't tell me that the condoms broke!" I scream, windows shatter. Not just in our room but in multiple. Good thing I put a silencing bubble around our room "I sure as fuck am not looking!"

"I didn't know!" He yells "And I'm not looking"

"Look!" I snarl at him. He stares at me before grabbing the sticks and freezes "You better" I warn "be frozen with relief that I'm not pregnant"

Demetri looks at me dropping the stick, that isn't good. He checks the three others before coming over to me and presses his ear to my belly. "It's faint" pulling away as he sits on the coffee table staring at me "it's there but the heartbeat is there"

I run to the bathroom to vomit then, lighting strikes hard. Demetri pulls my hair back as I vomit, rubbing my back. Grabbing some toilet paper, I wipe my mouth before flushing the toilet. Sitting down, my back is shaking the bathtub I look up at Demetri "What happens now?" I ask

"I don't know" sitting down next to me, he wraps his arms around me and I cry "do you want to keep it?"

"I don't know" crying "that's why I'm crying"

"I'm sorry Rory" he apologized "if I had known"

"No" shaking my head pulling back "you didn't know" Demetri holds me as I calm down from my crying "I don't want the baby to face the horrors I felt growing up"

"What do you want to do?" He asks

"I don't want him or her to be under the same roof as Aro" I say "the baby is part werewolf and not all of the Volturi aren't exactly trusting when it comes to me"

"Then we leave, like we told Amun" he says "all I know Rory is that I want you, I want you and if you decide to have the baby I want it too"

"I'm scared"

"Me too" he agrees with me "me too"

~Demetri's POV~

"She's pregnant" I tell Felix over the phone "remember the house I bought in Greece years ago? I need you to send all of my and Rory's things there but not all at once" Years ago I bought this house in Greece, I also had money put into another account. Very few people know about my home and account.

"Yeah" he confirms over the phone "also is this a congratulations moment or"

"This is a me freaking out moment" I hiss at him "does Heidi know?"

"No" he says "she walked in the day I called you when Jane told us what she found, so does this mean your going into hiding?"

"Yes and no" I say "I'm taking Rory to Greece, we're going to raise the baby there"

"I'm visiting" Felix says matter of fact "how's Rory handling this?"

"Freaking out" I say "I never asked about her past but I'm guessing it wasn't well from the context, she's scared"

"How about you?"

"Freaking out" I say "Rory seems fine physically and I hear the baby—Rory is waking up, got to go" hanging up, I see Rory stir away "hey" she looks up at me "I got you some blood" Felix told me what the woman use to drink and it was blood but they all died. Rory isn't then. She'll come back.

"Thanks" she sips the blood sighing "don't you feel like this is too soon?"

"I'm over a thousand years old" reminding her "I'm much overdue to become a father" her lips tilt in amusement "I got you to smile"

"After much thought" Rory says "I want to keep the baby"

"Then we're having a baby"

"We're having a baby" she nods her head. God help me if it's a girl.

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