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~Rory's POV~

"Seems our child is more cold one" I say to Demetri as he rubs my belly which has grown, I look to be about four months pregnant and it has been a little over a month. We are headed to the Cullens house, Damien is in the backseat pointing out the window at all the trees.

"Mama" Damien says "Papa, cloud" looking up I see that it's an overcast day in Forks, Washington as it normally is.

"That's right" Demetri confirms

"Mama" Damien points to me "your belly big"

Chuckling "That's because mama is growing your little sibling"

"Sister" Damien says

"God" Demetri mutters

"What?" I ask feeling a bit offended "do you not want a daughter?"

"I do" he places his hand over my belly rubbing it "but I'm just thinking about how difficult it'll be to raise a little girl, what would we name her?"

"I was thinking Nikole" I answer "mix between my dad and uncle, Niklaus and Kol"

"And Odessa for a middle name?" He asks "it was my mother's name"

"Nikole Odessa Stark" smiling at the name "I like it" we come up upon a four story modern day contemporary house with windows everywhere. Demetri has his ring off since he doesn't want the Cullens to know about it and demand I make them a ring or daylight jewelry.

Getting out of the car, I get Damien as Demetri is by our side. Once Damien is in Demetri's arms we go to the front door and knock on it and wait a moment before that Carlisle Cullen comes forward. Once he opens the door, he is shocked to see us "Demetri" he says then looks to me "and your"

"Aurora" I answer

He nods his head "And who's this?" Looking at Damien, Demetri growls holding our son close.

"No one you need to concern yourself with" Demetri's tone is harsh and it scares Damien, but I rub his back "Where is the mind reader and his now wife?"

"They are still on their honeymoon" he says "would you like to come in?"

"Caius ordered" Demetri says as we step into the house "that we need to be here to witness the newborn, my family and I"

"Of course" Carlisle nods his head "we will have a guest room set up for you and your family" he sees my belly and Demetri growls warningly "this way" going up the steps, we are taken to a guest room on the third floor "you'll be here, I hope it's alright?"

"It's fine" I say "when will the two be back?"

"In a day" he says "they decided to come back early, my coven is there to get them"

"You entire coven?" Demetri demands "why?"

"You know how newborns are Demetri" Carlisle says, he's hiding something "could I get you anything to drink?"

"No" we both say, nodding his head he soon leaves and Demetri looks at Damien who is jumping on the bed.

"Look papa" Damien smiles "I'm flying"

"You are buddy" Demetri agrees "come fly to papa" Damien jumps and Demetri catches him.

"Mama is sissy kicking?" He asks

"Sissy is currently sleeping" I tell him "why don't we take a nap together? Papa will keep us safe"

~Demetri's POV~

"What do you want Carlisle?" Demanding as I bring in the bags, I see Carlisle by my side.

"That boy"

"That boy" growling at him "is my son"

He gulps "The boy, is he"

"Not that it's any of your concern" I say "but my son was born from my mate's womb, my seed. Just like she is to give birth again. Now what do you want?"

"How old"

"You will not use my son as an experiment" I am firm about this "attempt treat my son as an experiment and I'll make sure the twins come down here and have their fun. They are getting a tad bit bored last I checked" we hear a commotion "your coven is back"

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