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Walking to my dorm after my final class, I try to keep a straight face as people look my way and either whisper negative things about me, glare at me or give me harsh looks. This has been my life for the last few weeks, people blaming me for Hope's choices. I can't make her turn off her humanity just as I can't make her be nice, I have tried my best to support her through everything but everything has always been about Hope. I don't even think I've had the chance to mourn over the death of my mom, dad or Uncle Elijah because of Hope. She has become the occupation of our family's life since she was conceived.

Like always, I get to my dorm room I see on my door someone leaving me a message to do everyone a favor and go die or leave and never come back. When I first got the message I didn't think much about it since I'm a Mikaelson and I inherited my family's enemies. But now...I'm just tired of it, the toxicity of this place. The Salvatore Boarding School is supposed to be a safe haven for supernatural children to learn and grow, but this place has felt more like a prison for me-like one wrong move and everything goes to hell.

This time I'm done with it, I went to Emma the guidance councilor who told me that I shouldn't worry but now...I'm just done trying to wait around. Packing up my stuff, I only bring what I need-I called Alyssa Chang and Penelope Park, their the only two who even understood how I feel right now since all my other friends I thought were my friends turned their backs on me. Their going to help me leave this world, there's got to be a world out there that no one knows the Mikaelson name. I just want to be human, I'll try it out being human and if I like it then I'll continue to act it but if not then I'm activating my vampire side and using the red oak stake to end my life. What's the point of spending eternity unloved, unwanted and hated?

Taking off the necklace Aunt Bex gave me, I decide to destroy it. I don't need or want anyone to find me. The point of starting over is to start new and keeping that necklace wouldn't help me.

"Rory?" Looking over, I see Ethan coming out of the shower "Are you going somewhere?"

"I'm going to the gym" lying, yeah my things are in this duffel bag with purple water lilies print that I spelled.

"Your not going to use the one here?"

Shaking my head "I got a gym membership" lying, the less people who know what is going on the better.

I smell Lizzie coming this way with MG, when she is here she scowls at me "If it isn't the terrible sister" most of the comments have come from her since Hope beat up her dad, Headmaster Alaric Saltzman, putting him in a coma where he is fighting for his life "Finally decide to do everyone a favor and leave?"

Shaking my head "Don't you ever take a day off?"

"I don't know what you mean" she says faking stupidity "if you mean the fact that your the reason my dad is in the hospital"

"I can't control Hope" growling at her "I don't know how many times I have to tell you all this-you know what, your like a leech Lizzie. You keep sucking at your prey never feeling fully satisfied"

I leave then as she yells "No one wants you here!"

"Lizzie" MG hisses but it's no good, like with Hope you can't control Lizzie. I called for an Uber, so I'm going to the entrance of the school "Rory" looking over at MG as he is before me "Lizzie's just upset with her dad in the hospital, she doesn't mean what she says"

I scoff "Your too good of a vampire MG, we both know that Lizzie never does anything she regrets or doesn't mean. I know no one wants me here"

"I do" he says "your my friend"

"Bye MG" going into the Uber, the driver drives away as I quickly look to see MG as he watches the car go. The only people I'm going to miss from this school is MG, Ethan, Wade and Finch. Everyone else can go to hell.

~Abandoned Warehouse~

"You could always come to the school I'm going to" Penelope offers as I sit on a crate with Alyssa and Penelope on either side of me. We're smoking some of the weed that I grow by myself and it's amazing. Like if you went to a store, not even their top notch stuff would make you feel this good. All it takes is magic.

"It doesn't matter where I go" tears threaten to spill as I stare out into the water, we're in Seattle right now since I don't know why "as long as I'm a Mikaelson or a tribrid in this world, people will know who I am and hate me...I need to start over"

"You know what's one thing I'm going to miss" looking over at Alyssa "your killer weed" Penelope snorts as she hit her chest laughing when smoke leaves her lips showing that she inhaled the smoke through the wrong pipe. I merely smile "We could always open a store and sell this shit, no one would compete with us with how amazing this shit is"

"Yeah" sarcastically agreeing "we'll be drug dealers, call ourselves the Charmed Ones like from that tv show of three sister witches" we start to laugh hysterically before stopping realizing how the first show and the reboot version ended. The first make I like better than the second one, I don't know maybe it's how there was so much drama in the first one.

"Lizzie is such a bitch" Penelope says

"She is" Alyssa and I agree

"I shouldn't have killed her in the prison world" Penelope and I look at Alyssa when she says that "the shit that bitch has put each of us through...she doesn't deserve to live"

"I hate how MG can't see how terrible she is" I say "she's like a parasite"

"I hate how Josie can't think for herself with Lizzie around" Penelope says

"I hate how arrogant she is" Alyssa says "I mean just because her parents own the school it doesn't mean she should be a bitch to everyone"

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