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~Rory's POV~

"Please just stay quiet" This Demetri asks me as he has me follow him "don't say a word" I've been with him a day and the entire time we watched Killer chewing up a dildo, we watched some movies, that Felix ordered porn so it was awkward that time, I've managed to act human for the entire week! So that's a plus. Other than our names, I don't really know much about these four.

"Why?" I ask "Where are we going?" When we are on the elevator I see Felix and those two twin vampires with bags. Felix is holding my bag.

"Tienila zitta" Keep her quiet Jane ordered

"What did you just say?" I ask, looking down at my butt "does my butt look too big in these? Is that what you said?"

The doors open and we leave, when we are in the alley after checking out they hand the bags to someone. Felix orders the human before we go to the alley where they put on their cloaks and pull out these necklaces with a v on it "Are you all virgins?" They look my "Is that what the V means?"

"We aren't virgins" Alec answers looking at Demetri "Keep it quiet"

"I am not an it!" Snapping at him, the pull of the full moon is coming and unlike Hope where she came from the Crescent Pack—I still have painful shifts.

"Keep it quiet" Jane orders

"What are you going to do?" I joke "Gag me?"

"If I have to" Demetri picks me up "stay quiet, no talking. Only Jane talks...please"

"Fine" putting in some blue tooth earbuds I listen to music, okaying a hand on his shoulder holding onto him and my other hand holding Killer close, he runs off with the others. If I wasn't supernatural I would be afraid but then again many things don't frighten me.

We end up in a forest, once here I smell this god wet awful dog smell that smells worse than werewolves and that sweet smell again but more rotten. When Demetri sets me down, he is before me as I see a bunch of yellow eyed vampires stare at us. There is a human being held by the vampire, she's bleeding and she stinks.

"Who's she?" I read the human's lips, yeah I can read lips. Learned how to do that some time ago.

"We were lucky" the vampire with light blonde hair says.

"If you had arrived" the one vampire that was holding the human looks at me confused and constipated "twenty minutes earlier, your purpose would have been full filled" disrespect is what I get from him. Moving my hand, I let out a bit of power and he screams in agony falling down just as that one teenager girl with red eyes behind the golden eyes falls in pain.

I stop what I'm doing as that other girl stops screaming, Killer who woke up looked around before going back to sleep. Though that human, I wonder...I don't know why but a part of me is telling me to do something.

"Please" the one female vampire pleads "we'll take responsibility for her"

"Give her a chance" the other vampire says, so I remove my earbud to listen.

"The Volturi don't offer second chances" Jane says "keep that in mind, Caius will be interested in knowing that the human is still human"

"The date is set" the way that human says it doesn't sound right so I do something, moving my hand the human screams grabbing her head.

"Bella!" Two of the vampires go to her side, she looks up and I stop when blood spills from her eyes, ears and nose.

"I thought Jane's power didn't work on her" a beautiful blonde whispers to a big guy.

The one female vampire with dark pixie cut hair looks between Bella then to Jane and her eyes catch mine and she gasps. Her eyes widen in fear and the other vampire who was holding the human looks at her, he then looks to me wide eyed "Alice?" The blonde asks "what?"

I look confused as she stands up taking shaky steps away, our eyes still looking into one another "Please" she begs stuttering "'t hurt me" What? Why would I hurt her?

"Alice?" Someone asks

Tilting my head she screams running away, people look between us and I look around "What?" The golden eyes and the Volturi look my way "I did nothing"

"Yet" the one vampire growls at me, Demetri places his body between us "get away from that monster" how original. Like I haven't heard that one before.

"Felix take care of the newborn" Jane orders, she is staring at me as I look down at Killer who is confused too. Demetri keeps himself before me as that newborn dies.

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