[ First new meeting ]

Start from the beginning

He said lastly with a fear-stained tone.

— I'm so sorry, Ru. You're safe now.
— I know, thanks for saving me.
— It was... well, your friend, actually.
— Seokjin?
— Yes... He apparently missed you.
— I already talked to him, and he seems to like you. — He gives me thumbs up.
— What's that supposed to mean?

He shrugged it off.

Faint coughing from behind us snapped me out of thoughts.

— Omega! — I almost jump to the contiguous bed. — Hey, Makayla, do you hear me?

I force myself to call her by her real name as she wakes up slowly from slumber. When her eyes finally focus on me, they fill with tears, hugging me tightly from the neck.

— Alpha. — She cries on my neck. — I'm so sorry, Ma'am, I let your brother die, and I was so dumb to get caught, I'm so-
— Shhh... — I cooed. — He's okay, I'm okay. You're safe now. — I signal for my brother to get closer. — Look who's here.

Makayla meets Haruka again, and a new wave of tears fall this time over my brother's shoulder.

They hug each other tightly, murmuring chants of apologies. Sanzu and I just stare from afar.

— Young love, right?~ — He jokes, putting an arm around my shoulders.
— You're not funny.

— Makayla. — They break the hug. — I'm glad you are okay, but I really need to know what happened there.

She narrated a similar story to Haruka's, with the extra of her being forced to dance for some of the Ivanov's team and that fateful night inside a cage.

I held her hand as she told the story with a shaky voice.

— And what about Seokjin-ah and his buffy friends in here? — Haruka asks once Makayla has calmed down.
— Oh well, — I scratch my neck. — That's a long story...

I narrate it as short and informative as I can our current situation and then ask Haruka to company me to the next informative session, taking place later tonight.


I sit at the head of the large rectangular table. Sanzu is sitting on my right side and Haruka on my left. Beside Haruka are Caín, Abel, and Lambda. Beside Beta are Epsilon and Omega.

Across from my seat, at the other end of the table, sits RM, the Commander on his right, and Suga on his left. Beside Suga sit J-Hope and V. Beside the Commander are JK and JM.

— Let's start the informative meeting. — I clap my hands together. — As the first topic of tonight, I'd like to introduce you to Omega, — I point at her with my hand. — My next successor... And Haruka, my advisor and... brother.

My brother frowns for a second as I call him "brother" out loud. We usually don't do that, but due to the current situation and Seokjin knowing this, I needed to be honest about this.

— I thank you all for helping me get them back from Ivanov's claws.
— I'm glad you could reunite with them again. — RM said as his face was stoic, but his eyes revealed a hint of feelings. I nod back at him.

— Next, we would like to recapitulate all the people and things we got to know last night. — Seokjin said. — Starting from the fact that we never saw someone who proclaimed himself as Alexei Ivanov.

— The party must've been a trap. — I pondered.
— Maybe, — Suga said. — but I'm sure they weren't expecting the police to arrive too, that was a big problem.

— How could police break in? — JK asks. RM turned to me, forcing the rest to eye me, too.

— I don't know about that... But, there's this detail about how I survived that, unfortunately, you need to know. — Bangtan exchanged suspicious looks. — Caín, Abel, please.

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