He caught me and quickly dialed 112.

"Bonjour, quelle est votre urgence?" The lady on the emergency line said.

"Hello my wife passed out! She's pregnant and was breathing hard before she passed out! I need help please! I'm at Ritz, Paris room 112! Please help!" Ben called out.

"Sir, we will be there in 10 minutes. I'm sending someone there. Can I get more information on her?" The lady said with a thick French accent.

"She's 6 months and 3 days pregnant and she just came back from filming a movie, we were talking and all of a sudden she passed out." Ben said while panicking.

"Okay, ambulance is on their way. Don't panic, be calm for your wife when she wakes up." The lady said and hung up.

""Jennifer, oh my God, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Ben said, tears streaming down his face as he held me close.

I could hear him, but I couldn't seem to wake up. I felt weak and exhausted. I tried to move my hand to touch him, but my body wouldn't respond. It couldn't be happening, could it? I couldn't be dying at just 42... it couldn't be. I refused to accept it.

In less than 10 minutes, the paramedics arrived and knocked on the door. Ben carefully carried me to the door and opened it.

"What's the situation?" The paramedic inquired with a strong Spanish accent.

"My wife and I were talking, and suddenly she passed out," Ben said, attempting to calm himself and wipe away his tears.

Sera emerged from her room and rushed over to us. "What's wrong with her? Oh my God!" She hurriedly went to her room, put on her sneakers, grabbed her phone, and returned to us.

"What's wrong with Mom?" Sera asked, her voice filled with concern and fear.

I managed to regain some consciousness when I heard Sera's voice.

"Ser bear?" I weakly uttered.

"Mom, are you okay?" Sera asked, her eyes filled with worry and fear.

"I'm okay... don't be scared," I paused, taking a few deep breaths. "I'll be oka—" I attempted to speak but slipped back into unconsciousness.

"180/110. She needs to be taken to the hospital immediately," the paramedic said as he removed the blood pressure monitor from my arm. Another paramedic helped transfer me onto a gurney.

"Sera, you need to stay here with everyone, okay? I can't have you at the hospital. Stay here, and Benny will be here soon, I promise," Ben said, his eyes welling up with tears as he kissed Sera's forehead.

"But that's my mother! I can't stay here. I have to go!" Sera insisted, her worry evident.

"I can only go. I'll call you when she's stable, okay? I promise. Pinky promise," Ben said, extending his pinky. Sera sighed and pinky-promised with him. He then left with the paramedics, and I.

Upon our arrival at the hospital, I was immediately subjected to a battery of tests, including an ultrasound to ensure the baby's well-being.

Meanwhile, Ben waited anxiously in the waiting room, growing more and more nervous with every passing minute.

"Mr. Affleck?" a doctor called, entering the waiting room with a heavy clipboard in hand.

"Yes?" Ben replied, standing up immediately, his exhaustion and nervousness evident.

Bring Me To LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora