
Start from the beginning

All of the embarrassment and sadness was immediately wiped away once he felt Y/Ns soft lips against his nose.

She pulled her face back and smiled at him before she opened her mouth to say something. "I have to go, alright?"

The smile across the mans lips quickly dropped, "What..? Where are you going Y/N...?"

She dropped her hands down to her sides with a short shrug. "Castiel and Nick asked me to meet them in the back."

The blonde slumped at the mention of the other two men and Y/N noticed this, "But.. don't you want to hang out with... Me?"

"I do, I do." She sighed, "I was just telling you because I'll be right back.. why? Do you want to come with?"

Zero shook his head from side to side, silently telling the female no before he stopped to stare at her. "What are you guys even going to do?"

"Umm, I don't know yet," she laughed in the mans face, "That's why I'm going to find out."

"But..." Zero was thinking of ways to keep the girl from leaving him. "We.. we just got here...!"

"I know, that's why I'm choosing to see them right now." She put her hand up to Zero's right cheek and gave him a little pinch. "So I'll have more time to spend with you."

Zero didn't want a little bit of time with Y/N, he wanted all of her attention and he felt just needed those two other men to be erased from the planet they're living on.

Pushing his arms up to his chest with an angry pout, the blonde crossed them, "So you're really just going to leave me?"

Squinting her E/C eyes in confusion at the boys tone, Y/N leaned her head back, "Uhm, yeah?"

Just as the blonde was about to reply to Y/N, she cut him off once again, "Don't be mad, I still invited you, so.."

Zero wanted to make a scene since he kind of grew that comfortable with the female, but he stopped himself before he could do anything out of line.

He just turned around and began to walk over to the corner of the room as he stared at bleachers that seemed to be waiting for him.

Once Zero plopped himself down on the bleachers he placed both of his elbows on each of his knees as he slumped over.

Rage filled him as he watched his bully shrug to herself right before she turned on her heel and went right to the door that had exit hanging right above it.

His leg bounced and all he was thinking about was how the two other men would look with a dagger through their hearts.

His thoughts were quickly interrupted when he heard steps coming right in front of the bleachers he was sat on.

"Sooo, Y/N left you, huh..?" He heard Jane's high voice from the side of his face.

She let out a sigh at the unresponsive boy before she took some more steps closer to him. "Listen, I just think that it was a bad idea to come with her..."

The blonde ignored her words and tried to focus on the imaginary death of the other men that seemed to be taking away the only person he wanted to be around at the moment.

"Zero, uh... If you want.. we could-" Jane was cut off by the look Zero sent her way.

His eyes were wide and shaky and they looked to be a darker shade of blue. Veins popped out of his neck and his eyebrows was knitted due to the intense anger that flowed through him.

The brunette took some steps back before she began to mess around with her hands, "Uh... I'm.. sorry, Zero.. I didn't think-"

"What the fuck do you want?" He spat, looking her up and down with visible disgust.

She went silent for a minute with pursed lips, then she wasn't silent. "I just... Wanted to see if you wanted to... D-Dance, or something... I'm.. sorry, if I-"

Once Zero comprehend on what Jane said, an idea popped into his mind and the angry expression slowly disappeared from his features.

He thought that it'd be great to hang out with the brunette to distract himself from the other female.

He also thought about how cool it'd be if Y/N was jealous of Jane, so he decided that he'd do it.

"Yes. I'll go with you." He raised up from the bleachers and looked down at his feet before he started taking some steps down.

Jane was actually shocked that Zero didn't tell her to go away like before, and she was glad that he didn't. She found that it was her perfect opportunity to show Zero that she was way better for him.

Once Zero was standing in front of the lovesick brunette, he waited for her to take him to wherever she wanted.

Shaking her head from side to side and allowing her hair to bounce up and down, Jane then sent the blonde a large grin. "Come on, we don't have to be out here... We could go somewhere a little more.. quiet..."

The tone of Jane's voice disgusted the blonde even more, and he hoped she didn't want to do anything dirty with him, but he told himself that if it wasn't anything dirty, then he'd tolerate it.

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