56. Happy Tears

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3 days...3 whole days of nothing but vomite...every single morning I would get up...shower...shave...eat and vomite, it was like my morning ritual at this point. And it lasted for hours, it would go away around early afternoon and I would feel great and then the next morning it started all over again.

Luca insisted I call a doctor today to come to the house and check it out see if it was the seafood.
I mean i was fairly certain it was, I don't see what else it could be.

The doctor was meant to be here any minute now so I stayed put in bed and just waited for Luca to barge in the door any second with the doctor.

Luca was freaking out the entire time, acting like I was dying. I kept telling him it was just a stomach bug but honestly I don't think he's ever really seen someone sick, he was acting like it at least.

I told him to just get Carla over, the lady who checked up on me when I thought...when Luca was missing.

I heard a light knock on the door as I shouted for her to come in.

"Hi love, how are you?" she questioned as she gave me a sympathetic look.

"Not great" I giggled not really sure why I laughed when I felt like absolute hell.

She set up a few things next to me while Luca stood at the bottom of the bed with his hand covering his mouth like we were about to receive the worst news ever.

I shook my head at him telling him to calm down, that nothing bad was happening.

He lifted his arms up
"Wha uh wha" he said silently as his eyes widened like he was in trouble.

I couldn't help laugh at how stupid he was being.

I think Carla sensed his unnecessary fear "Luca hun, why don't you wait outside okay" she gestured him.

He huffed and puffed like a child before finally leaving the room, standing outside, pacing the halls no doubt.

Carla and I looked at each before laughing at how stupid he was being.


"Mmm okay, so your hearts beating fine, your temperatures okay, strange" she said as she furrowed her brows looking me up and down trying to figure out what was wrong.

"And you said it starts in the morning then goes away around lunch?" She questioned like she was onto something.

"Yup" I said popping the P feeling frustrated that I wasn't any better yet.

"Rosie is there anything else like something you think may not be related to feeling sick but like another side effect" she questioned.

"Uhh not that I can think of I mean I'm very hungry which is odd because I'm never hungry when I'm sick and just very tired really" I said not really sure how they would associate with me being sick.

She rubbed her eyes like she was thinking deep.
"You okay?" I giggled trying to figure out what she was thinking.

"Rosie...have you missed a period?" She asked abruptly.

Oh fuck.

"I mean im late but i mean im always late so that doesn't mean anything" I laughed trying to reassure myself and her that something like that couldn't be possible.

"Rosie I'm gonna give you this and when your ready take it okay" she said handing me a pregnancy box she fished out from her bag.

"I am not pregnant Carla don't be silly" I laughed at her while raising my brows.

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