8. All Human

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After forcing down the food I was ordered to eat I rested my head in my hands as I sat next to Lee on the bar stool at the kitchen counter. I feel like I'm having an outer body experience. I'm eating dinner with mafia people. This has to be a nightmare, a very long, scary nightmare.

"You must be tired" one of the men spoke up. I think he's talking to me but I'm too scared to look up.
I peered through my fingers to see him staring at me while his hands were submerged in bubbles.

I shook my head 'yes' not sure of what to say. Not sure if it was safe to speak.

"You don't need to be afraid, no one here is gonna hurt you" he said as he gave me a reassuring smile.
I nodded yes in response not sure if I meant that yes, but sure I wanted to make him happy incase he tore my heart out and ate it for dessert.

That's all everyone really said to me, not to be afraid, that I was safe, and as much as I didn't want to believe it, they seem to have stuck by their word so far.

"Where do I sleep?" i whispered slowly, still not sure if I feel comfortable talking. I asked Lee seeming I've been around him most the day.

"Follow me upstairs, I'll talk to Luca okay" he gave me a sure smile while I followed behind him up the stairs that wrapped around the wall of the house.

Lee knocked on the door waiting for a response. Within about 2 minutes the door flew open revealing Luca.

He looked...devilish.
He had on boxer shorts with a black shirt the tightly hugged his muscular body, showing off each and every little rupture in his fantasy like physic. His hair was dripped from the tips, wet from the shower he obviously just took. If looks could kill, I'd be six foot under.

"Luca, do you have arrangements for Rosie, she needs somewhere to sleep"
It seems like Lee is like a father figure to Luca. That's what I gather anyway.

"She will sleep in here until I have someone set up a room for her tomorrow" Luca noted without any emotion behind his words.

"Understood" lee nodded in response.

As much as I didn't want to sleep in there again I also was too afraid to argue.

He gestured me in with no emotion.
I walked in with short steps feeling like i just let the devil trap me in his cage.
I slowly walked in standing in the centre of the room not sure of where to place myself. The door shut behind me like in a horror film.

I turned around with ease, his eyes instantly meeting mine.

I gulped down my vocal cords and felt my lips quiver, am I crying? Nope just utterly terrified.

"There" he pointed to the cosy ledge that sat in the corner. It looked like a reading ledge, like a small bed that looked out into the city.

I shook my head yes still unsure of what to do. Before I had to think of what to do next Luca walked over to the bed grabbing a towel and handing it to me.

"Here, you can have a shower" he said, still with no emotion. This guys a robot, or worse, a devil.

"Thank you" I said while grabbing the towel from him.
He seemed a little taken back that I spoke for the first time in a bit.

He turned away making his way over to the small desk next to his book shelves. He sat down on a normal sized desk chair but somehow made it look like it was miniature.

I turned away making my way into the bathroom before closing the door behind me. I took off the cloths that I had worn all day and placed them in the corner. My cloths from last night were gone, he must've put them in the wash.

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