25. Little Mouse

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After an hours drive back home I changed into my pijamas borrowing Lucas hoodie because it was a lot softer and warmer than any I owned... it also smelt like him, but that's not the reason I'm wearing it...
i think?

I laid in bed for mere minutes before thinking about how today had gone.
It was like a dream come true, only I never thought it would be under these circumstances.
It's almost like he's everything I never knew I always wanted.
I cant stop the smile that crept across my face as I looked out the window into the city lights, they reminded me of the night we spent together.

We said goodnight with a quick kiss to the forehead which caused imaginary butterflies to flutter around in my stomach, and i don't know if they were the evil kind or the good kind.
How should you feel when a monster kisses you on the forehead. I doubt its how I should be feeling right now.


I looked at my watch to see it was only 2am, Ugh I can't sleep. I've been tossing and turning the whole night, I just can't get to sleep, I don't know why.
My body is exhausted but my mind is running wild.
It's done every exercise in the book, counted sheep, thought of my happy place, sung a quiet song, even stroked my own hair....maybe if I...woah woah woah whose whoa, hold the bus Weinstein. I can't do that, can I?

.....no I can't do that.


I got up from my bed and quietly opened my bedroom door before creeping out into the dark hall that had almost no light to illuminate where I was going. I followed off my memory, I finally released a sigh as I was there. I opened the door quietly as I took small steps into the room. I could see the room slightly as the moon illuminated the space around me.

I placed myself down onto the bed making sure not to wake him. I didn't move closer to him, I stayed at the other side of the bed trying to be as silent and still as possible. I don't know if this will help, but I'm at my wits end, I'm so tired, i need to sleep, this is my last resort.

Finally after too long, I felt myself relax as I drifted off into sleep...

"What're you doing in here" I heard a whisper in my ear as two big arms wrapped around my body pulling my back closer to his front.

At first it scared the shit out of me, until
I realised he wasn't angry... he was relaxed.

"I-I'm sorry i couldn't sleep" I said as quiet as a mouse.
He pulled me closer and spun me around so he was now on top of me.
Our eyes locked as I realised...I don't think he was ever sleeping.

"You weren't asleep were you?" I asked with a 'sorry' expression painted on my face.

He shook his head no as a smile appeared on his face. When did he become so good at that?

It felt like it was quiet for hours, our eyes never leaving each other's.
I couldn't help myself, again it felt like i was possessed, I kept looking at his lips, like they were my only source of oxygen.
They were plump and red, I wanted to suck on them so badly, I wanted to kiss him since the first time I met him. What! No stop Rosie!

But i was merely a puppet on a string right now, and the bad side was clearly in control.
I slowly leaned in as I watched his eyes and brows furrowed in confusion, until he finally realised what my body yearned.
He leaned in slowly as he smirked with lust and something else I couldn't quite figure out.

Then it happened. The moment I didn't realise I'd been waiting for my entire life...

Our lips collided like two stars that had been on the hunt for each other since the beginning of time.

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