6. The Comfort Of A Father

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By the time Lee had explained everything to me it was already dark out. We had stayed outside all day talking about this place and wondering around the yard, I'd call it a farm with how big it was. I counted 7 guards on the roof, all with guns. That's gonna make it hard.

The field was full of flowers with a few palm trees around the pool. There was deck with tropical trees surrounding it and a hut above it to shelter from the hot sun.

There was a dog too, he was a beautiful golden retriever named Lou, he seemed to like me. He was jumping up on me as i sat on the pool deck in feared silence.

Although I barley knew this old man, he made me feel a little less petrified. He explained that although this was a dangerous life that I'd be safe no matter what. He even told me a little about his life and asked me questions about mine. I didn't give away much information, though the anxiety and fear made me feel like I couldn't lie.

I felt myself becoming a little more comfortable with Lee being so kind, and i hated myself for it.
Is he trying to manipulate me, what if he is, is it working?

He explained to me that I would not be anywhere near a slave, that I would be more of a helping hand for them when they did missions. He said they have no such thing as slaves or even maids in this house, that everything was done by themselves.
He explained that the house was constantly under supervision so the guards will help tidy the place if Luca was ever too tired.

I feel like he's telling the truth, but I can't know for sure right now.

"I think we should head inside young one, the Suns starting to set" Lee spoke while he stood up extending his arm for me to reach.

It felt nice talking to him, kinda like talking to my father, not that I ever met my father.

"The boys will be cooking dinner any minute now, you are welcome to join me, I'm coming to lend them a hand"

He must've sensed my fear as he suggested I be face to face with the men that kidnapped me.

"They won't bite my amore mio, they are very nice men, I assure you" he said as he gave me a reassuring smile.

Won't bite, right they'll just kidnap you.

I cocked my lips and looked down trying to decide if it was safe to do so. I have no where else to go after all so I guess I have no choice.

"I don't really have a choice, it's not like I can go anywhere else right?" I questioned with sadness present in my voice and a little fire.

His head lowered. Did he really feel bad or is this all an act?

"You can go anywhere you'd like in the house Rosie, I know that's not what you want but that's what I can offer" he said as he smiled down at me, placing a hand on my shoulder as if he was saying sorry.
If it is an act, he's good, I'll give him that.

"I-I uh I'll just stay out here by the pool, with Lou" I whispered looking down to those precious puppy eyes he gave me. This pup is the only thing keeping me from losing control and panicking.

"He can keep me company" I said pointing my head towards the puppy eyes that were staring up at me.

"Okay. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything. Luca will be home soon" he said before walking inside the open house, making his way into the kitchen which was almost in full view.

The opening from inside to outside was massive, it opened up so the pool was in full view as well as the kitchen being placed just to the side so you can see into the kitchen when swimming or laying on the deck.
It was the home I'd dreamed of owning ever since I was little.

An open yard with the kitchen right there so the kids could play as I made lunch for them making sure they were safe and sound. Christmas would be a beautiful time to spend here, the house fully opened up to the yard as family gathered around the deck table for lunch sharing stories of what we had all received for Christmas, listening to the kids squeal as they played in hot summer heat.

But that's all it was, and that's all it will ever be, just a dream.

I sat by the pool dangling my legs into the warm water with Lou sat beside me. The lights in the pool lit up the beautiful patio making me fully visible for the men inside cooking. There were 5 men inside the kitchen while Lee was sitting down in a bar stool reading a magazine, the men weren't dressed in security uniform, only casual clothing as they helped each other cook what looked like spaghetti. I won't lie they do seem very homely and...nice I guess.

I mean no one really looks mean while cooking...except for Gordon Ramsey.

They all seem so comfortable around each other. I wonder if they witnessed a murder too. Were they all forced into this too? or maybe they were brought up in the life.
So many questions.

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