4. Another Pawn In Our Game

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We finally reached the first set of gates. The home I purchased about 5 years ago. It's just myself here besides the guards, they're watching over the property 24/7 both inside and out.

Almost all meetings and decisions are held in this house, meaning the house is almost never empty.

The only people who know I live here are the boys, who are my top security and the rest of security, who I call team 2.

Other than that my house cannot be found anywhere on any map by anyone. My home is very well hidden for very good reasons.

Being the Don means I am constantly a target, as are my men. I will do anything in my power to ensure the safety of my men. There comes a great cost of being born into a wealthy Italian family.

Once we reached the last set of gates I took Rosie in my arms cradling her sleeping body. I knew what I was doing was extremely out of character meaning there would be questions galore by security once they get the chance to ask away. I could've got one of guys to carry her in but I was right next to her so.

"What are you gonna do with her?" Dylan marched beside me as we all made our way into the front doors of the house.
Kade and Jack kept their heads low while they typed in the security codes locking all doors and gates to the house.

The guards stayed put in their positions no doubt whispering through their ear coms about the mysteries girl I was carrying.

"I'm going to put her to bed, she needs rest" my face expressionless.
I knew what I was doing was weak in the eyes of them, but right now I was too tired to care, it's been a long fucking day.

Dylan nodded his head knowing better than to question my decisions. All my men know better than to question my choices. It will end in nothing but regret.

I marched my way up the stairs as I passed the many security members which guarded the insides of my home. Once I reached my door two guards opened up giving way to their Don and the girl I was carrying bridal style.

God she looks so innocent, so...hard to kill. I knew the men would be confused as to why I decided to let her stay with me in my room, I've never ever let any woman or any man in this room unless absolutely needed.

Any stranger who was witnessed a murder of my mens doing has gone directly to the rooms beneath the house. All of which were given a choice to become apart of this world or die. I know it's harsh but this is the life I live and I must do everything in my power to ensure nothing gets in the way of my army or business.

I placed her on my bed as I covered her in the soft blankets that laid across my king bed. I sat beside her staring as if she would be disappearing at any moment, like I had to savour this moment for the time It had.

"Who are you little mouse?" I whispered, a question i was dying to know. I knew she would wake shortly so I sat across from her in my arm chair.

I didn't want to sleep next to her incase she woke up, obviously seeing a stranger in a bed with her would probably just send her straight back into shock. Not that I want to be sleeping next to a stranger.

I sat in the chair throwing my head back as I let my eyes fall shut.


"Where am I!?" I heard shouting coming from across the room. For god sake who is that? I thought to myself almost completly forgetting the woman I had let sleep in my bed last night.

I opened my eyes to see Rosie sitting up straight still under the covers, her lips quivering while her eyes widened, not daring to break contact with mine.

"Why am I here?! who are you!" she shouted intently, fear present in her little voice.

I stood up making my way over to her side. I stood at the edge of the bed staring her down with my deep emotionless eyes, I wanted her to fear me, I wanted her to know what the fuck she's walked herself into, maybe next time she'll mind her own business.

"You are safe, for now" I said with no expression.
"You are not to leave, because you saw something you shouldn't have, you have a choice though" I said looking down at the floor wanting to get to the point, feeling bored already.

"I-I I want to go home, I want to leave, please I'm scared" tears pricking her eyes.

"Unfortunately that's not an option" my voice deeper then need be.

"W-why not, I promise I won't tell anyone what I saw I swear, I won't tell a another soul" she stuttered, while tears spilled from her silky eyes.

I took two steps towards her placing myself right next to her as she sat up in my bed staring up into my eyes.

"I-don't even know who you are please, let me go" she spat out.

I pulled the arm chair over next to the bed sitting down comfortably, placing my arms over my knees and leaning my chin on the hands. I knew I'd have to explain to her who I am and what I am.

"Rosie..." I said before she interrupted me...again.
"H-how do you know my name?" she asked genuinely confused. She must've forgotten she told me the other night at the cafe. Memory of a goldfish-tick.

"You told me the other night, at the cafe" She furrowed her brows and cocked her lips before relaxing her face as if she finally remembered.
She nodded her head letting me know she did.

"My names Luca, I'm a...Don" I waved my hands around trying to find a word she'd know, though I just settled on correct terminology.

"Wha-what is that? what is a Don?" Her cries continued.

"A boss. I run the Italian mafia, here in Brooklyn is where I live. I have men all over this city, men surrounding this house, we are completely safe... but unfortunately you saw something you shouldn't have, so you have two options....
You can either leave a target... or you stay until I know you won't do something you'll regret. I know neither are ideal, but I promise you will be safe, if you decide the smart option, you will be protected, not by choice but because I have to" I explained.

I saw a new profound fear rise within her soul as she shook her head unable to believe a word that just left my mouth.

"I'll let you be, I'll be back soon. My men surround the entirety of this building both inside and out, you are safe. There are cloths in the closet and a bathroom just there" I said pointing towards the bathroom attached to my room.

"Do not try to run, it will only result in a bad ending. Ince im back I want to know your decision. Do not try anything sly, i promise you'll regret it" I said sternly before grabbing my coat leaving the room with a very upset girl still snuggled up in my bed.

"I'm going out, I need to sort out some things, if she needs anything get it for her, keep an eye on her, let her roam the house if she wants, although I doubt she'll even bother to leave the room, but do not let her out of your sight"

"Yes sir"

"Of course sir, she must be a special lady if she's entered that room" my oldest guard nodded his head.
Lee, he's been my top security guard since I was 15, he knows me all to well, he's almost like my father.

"She is not special Lee, she saw something she shouldn't have, I must do what I can to persuade her to stay till I can convince her not to open her mouth, otherwise she will die, either by the hands of my men or enemies who have seen her with us. Gotta make her feel special, that is all I am doing, nothing more nothing less, she is nothing but another pawn in our game... eventually she'll be dead like most"

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