15. Cupids Possesion.

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Hearing that word come from those lips again made my heart melt, hearing those words made me feel like I was the luckiest girl in the world, until once again, he turned his back leaving me to wonder in my own thoughts, just like he did at Blues.

I won't lie it did hurt slightly as I realised he was turning his back ignoring what he had just said.
I don't even think he meant to say it honestly. But I knew I had no right to feel any slight ounce of hurt.
He's been nothing but arrogant towards me since he took me away from my life.

But I can't help the way my heart pounds faster and faster each time my eyes connect with his.

I wanted to feel his touch on my skin, I wanted to feel his lips on my own, ever since I saw him in blues I can't stop him from entering my dreams. I feel like the worst sinner on earth for having such disturbing desires for a monster.

I just I think the past 20 years I've been on this earth no one's ever told me I was beautiful, so I guess seeing this Greek god come in and tell me I'm beautiful, I'm obviously going to stir... yeah that's all it is.

But it doesn't just feel like that's all it is, it feels like I've known him forever, the longing I have to feel his touch is like an addicts urge for just one more hit.

I knew I should just leave him be but apart of me felt like I needed to make sure he was alright.

I'd probably regret this later but I made my way up the stairs before centring myself in front of Lucas door. I felt a sudden wave of anxiety, maybe this was a bad idea.

Before I let my thoughts consume me, I lightly knocked twice on his door still uncertain of what kind of response I'd get.

Oh shit what am I doing, just as I was about to turn around the door flew open revealing a very angry looking figure.

His hair dripped as it fell over his face, glistening under the hallway light. He had on a tight black shirt revealing his muscular body, with lose boxer shorts clearly outlining his....well you know. God he was gorgeous, wait no stop.

I quickly pulled my eyes away as he cocked his lips and raised his brows now noticing I was letting my dark thoughts take a hold of me.

I couldn't work up any words, no matter how hard I tried it was like they were stuck in my throat.
My bottom lip quivered between my teeth while my fists curled in and out of balls from the anxiety rushing through my soul.
I couldn't help but gaze into his beautiful orbs, almost like he was hypnotising me to look at him and only him. I could feel heat and fire raging on my boiling skin, I just realised how close we were to each other, our bodies nearly touching.
My head tipped up all the way, feeling like it'd snap in half due to how tall he was compared to me.

For a split second I could see his eyes slowly soften as they continued to melt into mine.

I was so completely mesmerised I couldn't pull myself from it.
As if a demon had possessed me and taken complete control of my nervous system, I gently brought my finger up to his top brow, letting it down the scar that started from his brow down to his lip. I couldn't control it, i felt like the other me was locked in a cage and bound to watch this other version of me melt into a monsters arms. His eyes slowly followed my finger until i stopped at the corner of his mouth. Then once again his oceanic demon like eyes blazed fire into my own.

"Beautiful" I whispered knowing full well it would stir his mind like he did mine. What is happening to me? What am I doing? This isn't me. This isn't me...this isn't me, right?

His eyes closed, almost like he was possessed too, his head leaning further into the palm of my hand.
I continued to study every inch of his features knowing full well I'd probably never be able to have another moment like this with him again.

Before I knew it he had grabbed my hand very gently moving it towards his lips as he placed soft kisses on the back on my hand.

I thought I knew what my heart beat felt like...but that was merely a pulse compared to this.

"What're you doing to me Rosie?" His voice wasn't sharp and demanding like usual, it was soft yet gravely and tired.

"What your doing to me"

As soon as those words left my mouth I saw shock rise in his own. I wonder if his attention to detail was as strong when we first met in blues, because if it was, he no doubt already knew how he made me feel when he busted through the doors.

His brows furrowed while I saw a light glisten in his eyes, but it was quickly overtaken within a split second. He did his best to hide it.
He did that very well.

"What am I doing to you baby?" He spoke as his hand slowly made its way to the side of my face.

My core clenched and I'm quite certain my eyes bulged from their sockets. Who is this man and what has he done with Luca?

His touch on my skin felt like pure ecstasy. Like a feeling I've longed for my entire life.

I suddenly felt frightened, afraid, cautious and nauseous at his question.
I was coming back to reality.

I shut my eyes as I let my head fall into his hand, I took a deep breath relaxing into his hand as I felt our bodies nearly touching. We were so close to each other yet so far, his palm on the side of my cheek while his other hand held mine right by his mouth as he made discrete kisses into it.

I finally let myself answer his question.

And the worst apart about that...I don't think I felt like I was trapped in a cage when I let that one word slide past my lips.

My skin suddenly felt bare and cold to the touch, back to It's regular temperature.

I questioned his actions with my eyes, but I was only met with a hardened front and the eyes of a man with no little to no feeling.

"Go to bed Rosie"


What did you think Rosie, you'd share one romantic moment and suddenly you'd be Elizabeth and Darcy?
God don't be so naive.

"O-okay" i replied as I put my head down in embarrassment. I gave him one last broken smile before I turned my back making my way into the room right beside his not daring to look back.

Oh you stupid girl.

No your naive, pathetic.

The smell of pizza lingered in the air and while usually that would drown me in excitement and hunger, it only made me feel sick and hot.

I need to get away. The only way out right now is through my dreams. So I guess that's where I'll be as much as I can.

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