13. Tip Of The Ice Burg

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I woke to the sound of birds chirping through the open window. One thing I really hate about the location of this place is the birds. They're constantly chirping as soon as 7am hits.

I sighed before sitting up and rubbing my eyes to rub away the tiredness. I looked around to see I was once again lying in Lucas bed. God that medication must've knocked me out cold.

I was the only one in here. Luca must be up already.
I still didn't have a phone but Lee said once Luca started trusting I wouldn't run away he'd buy a phone for me. It's not like I can run with snipers on the lookout.

I mean he shouldn't be scared. Who the hell am I gonna call? I have no one, ands it not like I can call the police when half his men are probably apart of the police force.

Lee had explained that Luca had already called my work and quit for me, fucking bustard.

I got up off the bed making my way outside the bedroom and down the stairs into the kitchen to see only random guards and Lee.
Where were the others?

"W-where is everyone? Where's Luca?" I found myself wondering, why do I care where he is?

"Hi love, Luca and some of the others have gone to Rhode Island to sort some business out. They'll be back in around 3 days" Lee explained while eating his cereal.

House to myself, well almost to myself. Without Luca I might be able to actually breathe properly for the first time since that night.

"Hey I wanna show you something, come with me" Lee said as he walked in front of me leading up the stairs.

What's he doing?

I followed him upstairs with my brows furrowed still unsure of what he could be showing me.

Oh he was leading me into the room I was decorating for myself yesterday.

Lee opened the door so I could follow in after him.
I took a few steps in and just like that, my jaw dropped...I couldn't believe my eyes, it was stunning, it was beautiful.

"W-what, h-how did you do this?" I asked as a huge smile spread across my face.

"We did it yesterday while you were out cold" Lee giggled as he watched me move around the room.

"This is like a fairytale" I whispered to myself, though I'm sure he heard.

I couldn't believe what was in front of me. How the hell did this come to me by getting kidnapped by the mafia? If this is their way on manipulation, they're doing a very good job so far.


I finished looking around and gazing at all the amazing cloths they had gotten for me and hung up in the gorgeous walk in closet they had set up nice and pretty. I had the best shower of my life in the glamoures bathroom. I put on some simple shorts and black top before plating my hair and heading down stairs into the kitchen.

Although I was still very weary of the place I was slowly starting to gain some kind of comfortability.
And I really did not like that.


Most the day consisted of me helping Lee tidy up the house, sitting outside in the field of flowers while playing with Lou as we ran around the garden throwing balls. This dog is the only thing keeping me sane I swear.

Lee introduced me to some other guards who spent a lot of their time here. He explained that him, kade, Dylan,Jack, Josh and Zane are team 1, they are stationed here for a week to guard the property then on the next week team 2 come in to guard the place which gives them each time off at their own homes.

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