21. The Power Of A Flower

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"So what happened with you two huh" Lee asked as we both sat out by the deck. I had my feet dangling in the water while Lee cooked dinner out on the Barbeque.

"I don't know what your talking about" I replied back trying to play dumb, although i doubt it's working.

"Interesting" was all he said as he continued cooking.

Silence filled the air.

"Fine. We uh we had an argument...
I kinda slapped him... and hit him" i said regrettably knowing I probably shouldn't have done it, but in the moment I needed too. How the hell did he manage to get that out of me without even trying?

Lee turned to face me with a surprised look on his face. What? A girl can't defend herself? Over what, some mean words.
Get over it Rosie.

"I'm going to assume he asked for it?" continued to toss the chicken on the grill, somehow making it look easy, though if I tried I'd probably burn the house down.

I smirked, knowing Lee knew Luca can be hard to handle sometimes. Lee was like his dad in a way, well that's the vibe I get anyway.

"In the moment he definitely did" I said while taking a deep breath.

Its a peaceful afternoon, the suns starting creating a pretty pink and purple outline of the clouds making it look like a ballerinas heaven. I let my legs dangle in the cool water trying to cool off, it's been quite s hot today for the season we're in.

"Lee" i spoke up.

"Rosie" he said, not taking his eye off the food in front of him.
"When do you think I'll be let out of here".
I don't know what crawled inside me and possessed me ask that question but there goes.

He didn't answer me.
"I Uh I really don't know the answer to that love, I wish I did, but I don't"

I could only bow head in disappointment. I knew he wouldn't know the answer, but I just had to ask.

Screaming suddenly erupted from behind, coming from the front of the house just by the kitchen.
What the hell was that?

Lee and i both walked inside to see what all the commotion was all about.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Luca... Sweat dripped like water from his forehead down to his pulsing neck, his fingers pointed straight in the boys face, he was angry, very angry.

The muscles in his back tensed, hardening more and more with each passing second. His gaze only stayed laser focus on the floor beneath him, one covered in shards of glass. Within mere seconds he was storming up the stairs, graciously letting everyone know his fuse was lit with a loud bang from his bed room door.

I wonder what happened.

"You guys okay?" I asked, I felt bad for them.

"Yeah, we're okay, Lucas just upset, secrets aren't being kept are they jack" kade held a wondering eyes while looking towards jack, obviously insinuating he's the reason behind the said secret.

"Hey i said im sorry, i shouldn't have said anything I know, but you have no idea how boring it is on Night Shift with the other team, there's nothing to talk about, all I said was do you know the new girl, it was ages ago"
Jack spat out in an attempt to protect himself and I don't blame him. Team 2 really is boring.

"What're you's talking about?" I asked seriously confused. It's gotta be about me.

"Yeah well you shouldn't have said anything because the fucker you told has obviously told carter" kade spat out ignoring my question.

"What are you's talking about! I know I'm obviously the 'new girl' you told someone about so tell me" I said crossing my arms trying to seem dominant, it wasn't working though.

"Okay easy tiger" jack opened his mouth once more...

"What no! That is the exact reason we're in trouble now, stop speaking jack seriously" Zane threw his hands up baffled by his easy Jack is to manipulate while Lee and Josh stood there just as confused as me.

Dammit so close.

They've both been here all day with me so they were just as clueless to what they were talking about.

"Can I know" Josh asked almost like a child.

"No!" They all said union.

"Damn fine".

I shook my head in annoyance knowing I'm not gonna find out what happened today or what they were talking about, even though I know I have something to do with all this.

God this place is getting more frustrating by the day.

"I'm leaving" I said before storming off

"Where? You can't leave" Zane shouted in confusion wondering how I'm going to leave without permission.

"I don't know, the yard!" I yelled back just now realising.


I grabbed a book that was lying face down on the dining table before quickly grabbing my earphones and the MP3 player I was given when I first got here. Since I don't have a phone I was given the MP3 to listen to music at least, which I was very happy with.

I sat outside while the sun continued to set into the night, causing the pink and purple sky to become a darker shade of blue. I went a bit further out than I was really allowed but I didn't care, Luca was no where to be seen so I'm sure he won't see me.

This was my favourite place in the entire house, this was my spot, my safe place. Flowers were my favourite thing. I never really saw anyone come out here to be honest, I think it was only ever me.
I often wonder why he brought such a huge house and land when he doesn't really use most of it. I mean I know he's rich and he can but still, why get one with a huge yard but never go in it ya know.
I feel like a princess in these meadows. I feel free which is ironic since I really am imprisoned and the very opposite of free.

The hour went by within the blink of an eye and before I knew I was nearly finished reading and the sky was almost completely pitch.
I decided to walk around the field and pick a few flowers for my room.
There were so many different colours, I loved it.

Once I picked a full bunch I started to head back.
it's about a 4 minute walk back into the pool area. I can see it from where I was standing. So close yet so far.
I was about 1/4 back when I stopped dead in my tracks...

There was a gun shot.

That was the first time hearing a shot since the night at blues, I forgot just how much it terrified me until now.
I can't describe the fear that overflowed in my veins.
I suddenly felt dizzy, I couldn't catch my breathe, thoughts were invading my mind.
what if they find me?
what if his enemy is here?
Am I going to die?
They're going to kill me aren't they?

I sat myself down as I gasped for air, I tried hiding myself behind the flowers but I knew what was happening, it was a panic attack, a big one, and no one was here to help me. I let tears fall as I struggled to catch my breath, my heart pounding furiously against my rib cage, I almost felt like the bones were snapping from the force of my beating heart.

If I don't die by them, I'm going to die of a heart attack.

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