38. In The Field's Of A Flower

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Waking up in her arms reminded me just how good I really had it.
I never imagined my life would turn out like this, and although I was still deathly afraid it would be ripped away from me any second now, I decided to savour the moments for what they were, and they were better than anything I could have ever dreamed of.

Last night I had received a call from Kade, I was going to ignore it because I was excited to get down stairs and be wrapped within her arms agin... but I knew it could be an emergency, so I answered.

It was about Carter. My father had shown my uncle (Carters father) and they decided that obviously something needed to be done, so they agreed to banish him from the mafia, but that wasn't their choice to make, my father wasn't the don anymore, I was, and to hell if they think he would just be banished. No he was going feel my wrath, when I found him I was going to torture him with every horrific device I could find, he's gonna wish he was dead.

I decided to let my men find him while I stayed here with Rosie, I mean don't get me wrong, as much as I wanted to be the one to find the son of a bitch, I know she needs me more.

I pulled myself up from her warm embrace to see the sun peering through the thin shades.
Thank god, it's been non stop snowing for days on end.
Today was the first day of spring, and I mean it was still fucking freezing but the sun had melted most of the snow.

I got up, stretched, took a quick shower and decided to sit outside in the sun.
By the time I got out there it was already 10am, how I know that? Because that stupid fucking clock Josh brought home.

Rosie still sound asleep, her little nose scrunching up like she was dreaming of running.
I sat out by the pool dangling my legs in the cool clean water, the sun shinning right down on me heating up my skin for the first time in months.

I sat there for about 20 minutes before I started getting too hot to sit out there, so I jumped in the water feeling instantly relieved. You'd think it'd be fucking freezing considering the snow storm that wrapped around the city yesterday but somehow it's managed to turn upside again.

I ducked my head under letting the cool water overtake my heated body. Fuck it's cold.
I haven't swam in months, so this was a lot nicer than it should be.

I pulled myself up from the water to catch my breathe.

"Whatcha doin" a voice shot from behind making me jump out of my skin.

"Fuck" I shouted as I put my hand over my chest to calm myself down.

"You scared the shit outta me Rosie" I said a little harsher than I intended.

"Oh-I'm sorry" she whispered in her sweet voice, her head falling down as her brows furrowed, playing with her fingers in embarrassment. Shit.

"Shit I'm sorry little mouse, I didn't mean to be like that" fuck I'm an idiot.
I pulled myself from the water making my way over to her to side.

I pulled her chin up to look me in the eyes.
She seemed so disappointed.
What's going on?

"Hey, whats going on baby?" I asked feeling a sudden wave of concern wash over me.

"Yeah I just, I've been thinking a lot I guess" she kept her gaze on the floor beneath her as her feet played with the other.

"What about baby?" The cool water dripped down my hands as I lifted her chin once more to meet my eyes.

I furrowed my brows at her trying to find an answer in her emotions, but I was failing miserably.

"C-Carter" she said turning away from me.

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