34. Too Late

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I felt my skin heating up by the second, becoming warmer and warmer.
I opened to my eyes to see the sun peaking through the shades, almost blinding me from its power.

I could see the snow and clouds outside the window, still falling rapidly, trying its best to cover the blaze of the sun.
I sat up to rub the sleep away that clouded my vision as I looked down at my watch to check the time.

I gasped as I realised it was already 12pm...shit shit shit Luca will be back any minute now. Fuck.

My body jerked up causing my head to spin and blood pressure to drop while stumbling over my own feet as I grabbed my cloths from the bathroom forgetting I was still wearing his shirt.
I was so close, I was almost past the centre of the room, ready to head out back into my room before he arrived.

And just as I was a few feet away from the door...it flung right open...


Its been a long few days full of shit talk and a bunch of Spanish fucks who don't know what they're doing.

Don't get me wrong being in Barbados has it's perks.
I mean it was good to get away from everything...not that it didn't follow through my thoughts. But sitting on those beaches just brought some sort of comfort and relaxation I've needed since that night, since the first night.

Apart of me was able think as I sat there with the sun setting as I watched families play out on the beaches and I realised that maybe this was a good thing, maybe I needed to be reminded of my job, reminded that in another life I would be granted a family like the ones I saw on the beach, just not now, not in this lifetime...


The doors opened and suddenly I was feeling a slight anxiety spike knowing she could poke her head around the corner any minute now and I'd have to deal with it because it's only been 5 days since I said she had to leave, so she has 2, 3 days max before she's out. And Im a man of my word.

I cant see team 1 anywhere. Maybe they're in the gym downstairs or packing up Rosie's shit.

I sighed feeling absolutely exhausted even though I'd been in one of the most beautiful places in the world just hours ago.

I climbed the stairs that felt like kilometres above ground yet it only took me a few seconds. I was so relieved when I got to my door, I can finally lay down and relax in my own fucking bed.

I opened the door as I rubbed my eyes feeling the tiredness start to consume me.
I took my hand away from eyes just now looking up expecting to see any empty awaiting room yet the only thing that came into view was...her.

What the fuck is she doing in here?

And why aren't I as angry as I should be?

She just stood there, completely still...frozen, just a few feet away from me, her hair up in a messy bun while she wore my favourite baggy t-shirt. It was huge on her, like a giant dress.
She stood staring straight back at me, her eyes almost empty, yet so full of an emotion I haven't seen before.
She held a pile of her own cloths in her arms, seeming just as shocked as I was.

I can feel my brows furrowing, like they're going to form one, my lips cocked, unsure of wether or not I was dreaming. Why would she be in my room?

Within seconds, like she was snapped back into reality, she walked straight past me down the hall into her bedroom.

What's going on right now?

"Hey!" I yelled down the hall, not in a resentful tone, more of a broken whisper.

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