28. Memories of A Little Girl

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As soon as they moved, Luca and a woman came into view...she was, I mean she was drop dead gorgeous to say the least, she had long blonde hair,tall and skinny, her makeup done almost like a profesional, she had on a tight black dress that stopped at her things, her heels were stunning and massive. She was every man's dream girl.

It broke my heart to watch him act so comfortable around her, more comfortable than he was with me.

The whole night he's been tense around me, yet he's smiling like crazy with her, she's touching his shoulders and giggling like they're each other's, she was flirting hard core... and he was giving it right back to her.

I felt sick as I watched her kiss his cheek.
Why? I don't know, I'm not his. What the hell is wrong with me? He's not mine.

I need some fresh air.

"Rosie" his voice echoed from behind me. Don't turn around Rosie.

"Rosie!" He yelled once more but I didn't bother turning I just kept on going. I need some air, there's too many people out here.

I finally found an outside area that didn't have a lock keeping me out.

There's no body out there, thank god. Finally I felt a little lighter with the lack of energy surrounding my every move.
I leant over the balcony as I let the cool breeze hit my face.
I know I shouldn't be upset, I just assumed to quickly. Maybe they're cousin or good friends. No cousins and good friends don't act that way around each other.

God I'm pathetic, I need to get over mysel-

"Hey...what you doing out here all alone?" A voice pulled me from my thoughts causing a slight jolt to rupture through my stomach. I whipped my head around a little afraid of who was out here with me.

I felt a little reliever when when the tall regal looking cousin of Lucas came into view.

"Carter, right?" I questioned trying to hide my annoyance.
"That's me...and your Rosie right?" He smiled cheerfully, I wonder if he's actually having a good time or painting his face like me.

"Yeah that's me" I smiled continuing to look out past the big palm trees that blocked the city lights from shining through.

"Sucks huh" he broke the much needed silence.
"Watching someone your with flirt with another person"
How did he see that? How does he know?

"You saw that huh" I sighed putting on a brave face yet hiding behind a broken smile.

"Yeah...I'm sorry" his voice placid and gentle while his eyes held a sense of care behind them.

"I guess i can't be mad at him ya know, he never actually asked me to be his girlfriend, he never made it offical" I let out only now realising it myself too.

"Oh yeah I mean I know. He told me the plan before you guys showed up"

Plan? What plan?
What plan was he talking about?

"What plan?" My brows automatically stirred together while my lips cocked to the side, thinning in complete and genuine confusion.
What's he talking about?

"Oh it's okay, you don't have to pretend around me I know" he only smiled, his white teeth blinding me with annoyance. He needs to lay off the white strips, his teeth are practically causing my eyes to squint.

What the fuck is he on about?

"I seriously don't understand" this guy is really pushing me to my limits.

"Ya know, the plan... Luca and you pretending to be together? .... Luca needed you to act like his girlfriend so his parents wouldn't find out he was keeping another random girl in his house....I mean it was pretty smart, get the girl your sleeping with to pretend to be your girlfriend to save your reputation of being a play boy"

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