39. Barbados?

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It's been a week already, it can't lie: no I won't lie, it's been the best few weeks of my life.

We've spent very single waking moment together, to day to day, as if we're inseparable, and we are.

Each day we learn new things about each other and each day im reminded that what I went through was worth it if this is the end result.

I learnt his favourite movie is Shaw shank redemption, no surprise there, i think every man in this universe has the same answer. Something about wrongfully imprisoned and escaping somehow resonates with every man.
I learnt his favourite food, which is anything with pasta in it, which is ironic considering I've only ever seen him eating pasta once. His favourite car was his 1972.. ford mustang, coming in second his all decked out, fully black mustang fox body. And his favourite place in the world...well he says with me, but I still think it's sleeping, his favourite animal, a black panther, also no surprise there, if I had to compare him to an animal that's exactly what I'd pair him with.

Every night Luca has been cooking dinner, he says he's trying to master his skills, but somehow he still manages to burn almost everything you cooks, so I decided tonight I wanted too.

I got out the frozen chicken thighs that hid behind all the frozen pizzas and lasagnas the boys would usually make due to their lack of skill. Butter chicken with rice is the goal I have in mind, although I seriously doubt he has the ingredients to attempt it.

Lucas been hibernating in his office most the day, well all day actually. I haven't seen him come out once, not even to eat.
I figure he's just busy with work considering we've spent nearly every second of ever day together this week.

I continued to slowly pull ingredients form the cupboard somehow managing to find almost everything I need to make a decent meal. Lee must've gotten these things because I doubt the boys know what any of these things are.


Thank god.
I wiped the sweat off my face from the steaming heat of the wok, watching as my palms become pools liquid. Jesus I should've turned the aircon on.

I served out dinner for everyone knowing the boys were meant to be coming back from their vacation today. I don't know when but they should be here any minute now. I placed 8 bowls out along the kitchen counter, one for me, luca, Jack, Josh, Zane, Lee, Dylan and kade. God it looks like I'm feeding a village.

My back felt instantly relieved as I sat down on the bar stool waiting for Luca to finished off what I assumed was something to do with work.
I know I could've knocked but I didn't want to disturb him. I'd been hanging off him like a leaf on a tree all week.
Maybe he needs some space...

Im a very fast eater, so I tried my best to eat as slow as I could incase he came through the study doors any second now, but he didn't and I was starving, so I didn't bother, I just ate at my normal paste which meant I was finished after a few minutes of starting.

I scrapped the leftovers into the bin before I washed up my bowl and tidied up the kitchen trying to make the place least bit presentable.

And just like clockwork, the old scary clock struck 7pm, vibrating through the entire kitchen letting everyone know it was still alive...unfortunately. Nobody should be surprised if we all wake up and it's "ACCIDENTALLY" smashed to bits.

Hmmm when are they getting home? They should definitely be back by now.

I grabbed a spoon and the ice cold creamy bubblegum ice cream I'd begged one of the guards to buy before sitting my ass down on the lounge room couch.
Mmmm YouTube sounds good.
I know it's only early but man I starting to feel the tiredness of the day take over, not that I did anything. My day merely consisted of swimming, cleaning, and reading.
Mmm I'll just shut my eyes for a second It can't hurt right?......

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