— Good afternoon! — JM greets politely the nurses at the reception, the same ones answer with a dreamy greeting.

They didn't even ask for an ID card or some patient information. They just put on their biggest smiles for the handsome doctor kindly pushing a wheelchair.

During all the way on the lift and throughout the hallways, everyone happily greets the doctor. "That's a great pretty privilege there", or that's what Alpha thinks.

— Okay~ This is the hall. This is the file for patient in bed 420, see the picture... Is that her? — JM gave Alpha the document held outside the room.

— Yes, This is definitely her. 

— Fine, then I will leave you in bed 419, so you can hear everything.

They enter the hall with only two patients, one sleeping and the other enjoying the window view, that last one is Kim, their target.

— I'm gonna leave you here, Ma'am. I'll come back for you after I get your test results. Is that okay with you? — JM crouched in front of Alpha. She nodded lightly. — Fine, then let me place you on the bed real quick~

One of his arms went to hug her back while the other was placed behind her knees; with one single push, Jimin lifted her and placed her so delicately on the hospital bed.

— I'll come back for you, then. — He winked cutely after performing such an act of force, leaving Alpha with an amused look and a burning face.

The doctor pulls from the blue curtain that is supposed to divide beds and leaves Alpha alone. He stands beside the contiguous bed, in front of the target.

— Hello, Miss Kim! I'm Doctor Park, and I'm here to check up on you for today.
— They've already paid visit. — Kim said in a harsh voice.

— Oh! No, no! Those were my IM colleagues, I'm Dr. Park from the Psychology & Psychiatric department. I was told you went through hard stuff these past days, so I was wondering if you could talk with me about it...
— If you come from the police, I won't say a word, I promise!

This is gonna be hard... Alpha thinks as she caresses her leg over the jeans fabric, where the stitches are.

— I definitely not~ — He chuckled — Look at my ID! — The man offered his card for the woman to see. The card said he belongs to the hospital side, not the police one. — I came here just to know if you're alright... mentally. And to offer you some help in case you feel like you need it... May we talk a little?

There was a prolonged silence in the room as Kim was thinking, but after those minutes, the target sighed.

— The things I can tell you are limited since my job is dangerous, but... I guess I can talk to someone out of this mess...

She's willing to talk to him that easily?! Well, Alpha has to admit it, that features he has inspire trust.

— I'll hear everything you wanna tell me. No pressure... — He got a chair closer to the bed and sat, like a friend, ready to hear his best friend story.  — What happened that night that brought you here?

— As you might know, Doctor, I was the pimp in that strip club... I used to be the best stripper but years went after me, and I ended up leading the business. I know the girls that work for me and that woman that night...

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