she let me in

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"LET ME OUT!" She screamed on the top of her lungs, "YOU SON OF A BITCH! LET ME OUT!"

She searched the darkness of this dungeon she was in for George's unconscious body. She was blinking rapidly until her eyes adjusted to the darkness, but he was nowhere to be found.

"LET ME GO!" She screamed out a sob, "He needs me..." She whispered to herself as she fell to her knees. "He's hurt..."

There was one last flash of light that August remembered and then after that she could only think of holding George's limp body up against her. She had one arm behind her, holding his back tightly, while she used her spare arm to keep them up on the broom.

"No no no no." She cried, "George!" She yelled, "Are you still with me? Talk to me, love! GEORGE TALK TO ME!"

He just groaned, his head falling on her shoulder. She can feel something warm dripping on her and in that moment, she pretended it was just water. She told herself it was raining, even though it was a cloudless night.

"No," She's sobbing, trying to fly as straight as she can to their safe house, "Please, George. Wake up, please wake up!"

She was rubbing her eyes raw trying to remember what had happened. She remembered them crashing in some field, she remembered some warm liquid on her hands when she touched his face, but after that it was all a blur. It was an actual blur, and then she was in this room. She felt two hands grab her and then she was here. And he wasn't.

"What do I do..." She slid her back down the wall, hugging her knees against her and sobbing silently into them. If he was dead, it was her fault she thought. She left him there. She left him again, and this was all her fault. She flinched when she heard metal cracking and the metal barred door creaked open. She stumbled to her feet, backing away slowly from the figure walking toward her.

"I want him back." He hissed, grabbing her neck.

"I-" She choked, "I don-t... know..-" He tightened his grasp, causing her to whimper.


"No I didn't!" She sobbed. She could see another figure at the door, it was more of a feminine silhouette. "He just showed up."

"LIAR!" He threw her across the stone floor, his cain digging into her side. "You and that blood traitor took him from me! You really think he can just walk away from this?! You really think my son won't be killed for running! He knows what's at stake, so I know he wouldn't leave on his own!"

"He did." She choked up.

"He wouldn't." Malfoy hissed, "He knows about his cousin. He knows what happens when they leave. He knows he'll be killed. My son is a coward, but not coward enough to get himself killed."

"Please." A woman begged from the door, "I need my son back."

"Narcissa!" Malfoy hissed, "Enough! I told you to stay upstairs!"

'Why did you pick Arc? It's very close to your middle name, why risk it?'

'My cousin used to call me Arc when we were younger. I always felt safe when I heard that name. Mostly because she only used that name around us. Bella didn't even know that nickname.' Regulus told her, 'There was a time when Cissy was good.'

'Did you pick Arc, in case she got word of you?' August asked, 'Do you think she would have come looking for you?'

'I hoped...' Arc smiled, 'She was always there for me when I was younger. She was the one who talked me into going against him. I just wish I could have succeeded on that mission, cause she wouldn't have gotten married if I didn't 'die'...'

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now