your kid's got a big heart, Moony

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August kicked Cedric out of their common room one night. He didn't protest at all, which surprised her because usually he gets annoyed when she wants the common room to herself, but turns out there was a Hufflepuff party that night anyways. August pulled out a book she nicked from the restricted section of the library. She didn't really understand why this book, itself could be title restricted, but then again it was a book on communication and there aren't enough fireplaces in the castle for every student to call home.

"Okay," August flipped through the pages, pulling out a concoction of ash she pulled together and threw it in the fire. "12 Grimmauld Place, first-floor parlor."

"Two calls in one night, you kids haven't even had a full term yet and you miss your godfather already."

"Sirius!" August beamed, "It worked!"

"Hey, kid."

"Two calls?" August questioned, "You talked to Harry?"

"Just checked in on him," Sirius smiled glistening in the fire, "You've read the paper right?"

"Didn't have to," August groaned, "The bitch plastered plaques all over the school with her new title..."

Sirius' laugh echoed through the empty common room.

"Where are you?" Sirius's face shifted in the fire, looking around August.

"My common room," August said.

"Merlin, you and that Diggory kid have much better style than James and Lily... Then again, I think James just let Lily decorate."

August laughed looking around their common room. She liked how she and Cedric decorated. They both wanted to steer away from house pride, keeping the red and yellow limited. It was almost decorated like a common flat. A few band posters line the wall and shelves are filled full with books. They made themselves a small dining table in the middle of the room, which was currently filled with both their unfinished potions homework and empty cauldrons. There was a record player in the corner that they found, thanks to a letter from Remus telling them where he had last stored it and most of his record collection. They had pushed two couches together, making a small pool of pillows and blankets.

"We both thought we'd miss our common rooms, but having a private one is so much nicer."

Sirius smiled, "Are you okay? Why the late-night call?"

"How is everyone?"

"Asleep." He joked, "They're fine. Mum is actually on a mission right now, she should be back in a few days. Dad has outdone himself this time."

"What did he do now?" August laughed

"Eilene dropped by, check up on us... She thought without your mother around we'd end up eating each other..."

"Is Kreacher still not cooking for you?"

"Even if he did cook for me, I wouldn't eat it. He'd probably poison it."

"She brought chocolate?"

"Some, and it was the muggle kind."

"He ate it all?"

"Before I could even try! So I sent him down to the shops to get more. I thought he would come home with actual food to eat too, but all he bought was more chocolate! I gave the bloke enough money to buy enough food that could feed the Weasleys."

August's head flew back with laughter.

"Are you trouble?" Sirius asked, "Have you got caught?"

"The grubby pink toad still can't pin anything on me yet." August smiled. "We'll see about tomorrow though... I think most of the professors will finally catch on that it's me. I think I'm the only one who can honestly do this."

the gentle moon / george weasleyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora