retired death eater

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"My Lord, the Order of the Phoenix intends to move Harry Potter from his current place of safety on Saturday next, at nightfall."

The interest around the table sharpened palpably; Some stiffened, others fidgeted, all gazing at Snape and Voldemort.

"Saturday . . . at nightfall," repeated Voldemort.

A handsome manor house grew out of the darkness at the end of a straight drive, lights glinting in the diamond-paned downstairs windows. Somewhere in the dark garden beyond the hedge, a fountain was playing, and about a mile and a half away from there were three young women patrolling the deep, dark forest.

"Why was Moodz so nervous about this mission?" Avil asked August and Tonks. Both of them were holding long branches like they were oversized wands, waving them around like they were children again trying to poke each other.

"A lot of rich wizards live out here, just outside this forest," Tonks told her, rubbing her eye because August's branch accidentally poked her in the eye. August was suffocating a laugh with her hand as they walked on.

"She means death eaters," August laughed out, side-eying Avil. "Malfoy told me he lived out here. Moody forgot to pick up the map after the meeting last night."

"I didn't need a map to tell you where my Aunt lives." Tonks sighed, looking up through the tree canopy. "It's not as thick anymore, we should head back. We won't be hidden much longer."

The trio stopped, and all looked up. The moon was a few days out from its fullness, and Tonks could tell by the way August sighed that she was upset.

"Can I ask you-"

"I was three." August smiled gently at Avil before she could finish her sentence.

"You must get that question a lot." Avil cringed, "Sorry."

"It's okay." August told her, "I'm used to it."

"Can I ask what it feels like?" Avil asked, "Is that okay?"

August stared at the moon, it was as full as it could ever be for her. She focused her eyes on the glowing globe above them, staring hard until it became a blur. It was as full as she would ever see it in her life.

"It used to be painful," She told them, "I don't think anyone really understands the pain unless you go through it... I lose myself for the entire night. Before the potions, I wouldn't even remember the night. But the potions help. And she takes that pain away now."

"When did it happen?" Avil asked. Tonks looked over at her confused.

"That night with Greyback at the castle." August smiled, "I let her come out. I let her help me... It happened once in school before. Malfoy said somethings about Harry and the Weasleys and then something about me and I got so mad that I lost my temper and I stabbed myself with my claws..."

August lifted her hand up and flexed it. Her nails grew long and then went back into her cuticles.

"I think she understands that I'm fighting for her now," August told them. "It's cool isn't it?"

"You just-" Tonk's eyes went wide, "Those are claws!"

"I know." August laughed, "I made the mistake of showing George them, 'cause now he wants me to bring them out in the bedroom." The three women laughed hysterically.

Tonks looked at August with an uneasy look.

"Just ask!" August laughed.

"I mean, the only other werewolf that I know of, who combined their human form and their wolf... Is Greyback. It doesn't like change you, right? You're not like gonna..."

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now