what if I told you none of it was accidental

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August was thankful for Professor McGonagall. She made sure that August's swimsuit was a full-body one. Covering her legs and arms, was thoughtful. But August didn't mind, she wanted them to see her. She wanted them to see what her new sleeping arrangements did to her. She walked out on the platform with her head high, the legs and sleeves cut short under her robe. She didn't seem to care how straight the cuts were because most of the cutoffs were ragged and uneven. Almost like how she cuts her own bangs.

"I'm . . . here . . ." August panted, skidding to a halt on the wet surface and accidentally splashing Harry's robe.

"Where have you been?" said a bossy, disapproving voice. "The task's about to start!"

August looked around. Percy Weasley was sitting at the judges' table — Mr. Crouch had failed to turn up again.

"Now, now, Percy!" said Ludo Bagman, who was looking intensely impressed to see August here that morning. "Let her catch her breath!"

"Are you okay?" Harry whispered.

"Fine, I couldn't find my scissors..."

"Why did you need scissors?"

"Have you seen George?" August looked over her shoulder, "Is he here?"

"Um, I'm not sure... I haven't seen him all morning. Moon, why did you need scissors?"

"I yelled at him, I didn't mean it." She told him, stepping forward.

"He knows that..." Harry watched her carefully.

August walked to the edge of the platform, standing next to Harry. She took off her robe, showing off the burgundy and gold swimsuit, which was similar to Harry's despite the alterations she made before she left the castle and the rest of her. Her skin was not scattered with new scars, but rather burns and bruises, oddly similar to the shape of bars. To keep herself from shaking profusely, as she felt all eyes on her, she gripped her wand tightly, you would think the thing would snap under the pressure of her hand.

"What happened to you?" Harry's face had gone white, looking at her body in horror.

"This is what happens when a werewolf touches silver," She paused, looking over at the three champions, "this is what happens when they force a werewolf to sleep in a silver-lined cage."

Harry stared at her in shock, his chest rising and falling. She could see the anger start to boil in him, his nostrils were flaring and he bared his teeth trying to flex his jaw so his bottom lip couldn't quiver.

"They made you sleep in a cage?" Fleur asked, "But that's immoral, that's abuse..."

"Are you okay?" Victor asked, "We can all forfeit, we can wait."

August shook her head, looking back at the lake. "No, I won't let them win. I'm the champion."

"Moon, you're hurt." Harry begged, "You should be resting, Madam Pomfrey should look at these burns."

August turned to Harry, "She can check them afterward."

August refused to turn around, refusing to face the looks of horror. She knew they were there, she heard the way the crowd silenced when she took her robe off. She had never heard silence quite this loud. She also heard the camera click, which meant her plan was in motion.

"August..." Harry begged

"I'll see you on the other side..." August whispered, nodding at Dumbledore to tell him she was ready.

Bagman raised his wand to his neck, acting like a microphone, "On the count of three, then. One.. Two... Three!"

The whistle was blown and the stands erupted in cheering and applause. August dove into the water, the water was freezing, and used her wand to do the bubble head charm and shoved her wand into the harness that was wrapped around her leg. She took a second to breathe and make sure it was sealed.

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now