missing too many matching socks?

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The start of December brought wind and sleet to Hogwarts. August and Angelina were bundled up in multiple layers, walking down to the pumpkin patch for Hagrid's class. The twins and Lee were in front of them throwing, not so snowy, but more like slushy and muddy snowballs at each other. The girls, arm in arm, watched on.

"I never thought I'd see the day," Angelina said, with a tinge of excitement.

"See what?" August asked, watching the way George's head goes back when he laughed at Fred taking a slushball to the face.

"You letting someone in," Angelina said.

"I let you in," August said.

"I'm your best mate. I've seen you fall out of the bath, fully naked." Angelina laughed, "I mean some like George.."

"George is my best friend." August said, "So are Fred and Lee."

"But you don't kiss them, or me..." Angelina smiled at her, "And you don't blush when I make you coffee."

"Oh." August smirked, "I mean, it was just a kiss." August said, "We haven't really talked about what makes us."

"What do you want it to be?" Angelina asked.

"I was drowning and I was perfectly fine with it." August said, "But it was like he dove in those waters and brought me back to shore... I don't know, I like having him around. He makes me feel... whole."

"You deserved to be saved," Angelina said.

"You saved me," August said simply.

"What?" Angelina looked over at her.

"You sat next to me on the first day." August said, "I thought maybe the twins would, because I had met them on the train, but when they walked past me in class I didn't think I was going to have friends here..." She didn't dare to look at Angelina. "I didn't have friends before I came here either, but you sat next to me even though there were loads of open seats."

"You had socks with camels on them," Angelina said

"Your favorite animal," August said with a smile.

"I thought you were cool," Angelina smiled, "You had black nail polish on and I also thought you were a super spy..."

"A what?" August turned to her laughing.

"I thought your scars were from secret missions..." Angelina said with a tight lip, "I thought you were on a mission."

August let out a loud laugh that George could hear down the hill. When he looked up he saw the two girls with their arms intertwined, and Angelina's head resting on August's as they walked down the hill, smiling.

"I'm going to the dance with him," August told her.

"When did he ask you? After you two stopped sucking faces? Angelina teased.

"No!" August laughed, "Before school... We were trying to figure out why our mums packed us dress robes, and he asked me if we were to have a dance if I'd go with him."

"Damn, George wasn't going to let anyone have a chance."

"I mean even if he didn't ask me... He would be the only one I would want to go with."

Angelina squealed, tightening her arm around August's, "I like this side of you." Angelina whispered as they got closer to the boys.

"What side?"

"The 'I'm madly in love with George Weasley' one..." Angelina whispered into her ear, giving August a push toward George.

August stumbled, almost tripping over her feet but George caught her.

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