hidden in plain sight

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August had found herself the coming weeks pretty lonely. Remus and Harry had been busy with their private lessons and for some reason, George and Fred had been ignoring her. It was fine though, Angelina and August had gotten closer. But of course, quidditch eventually got in the way of that and she would find herself alone in the library most days. The Hogwarts library was the place where she found the most solace. January brought very cold rainstorms, of course, it was not cold enough for snow. August perfected her transformation charm, turning one of those old wooden chairs into a grand armchair; that cushion felt like the way clouds looked.

And that's where Professor Mcgonagall found her one night, the top of her hair lit up by the lantern above her and a book in her hand.

"For a second, I thought Madam Pince finally talked the Headmaster into getting new chairs for the library."

August looked up at her professor with a proud smile.

"Would you like to sit?" August asked the woman, who simply nodded, hiding the teacher's excitement of wanting to see her student transfigure another chair.

"Comfortable?" August asked

"Exceeds expectations," The professor says sitting down.

"Seriously? Not an outstanding?"

"I like to put my feet up." McGonagall raised an eyebrow at the girl. "Mr. Diggory was supposed to have rounds tonight, but unfortunately during practice fell off his broom and has landed himself in the hospital wing for the night."

"Is he okay?"

"Oh, of course. Just precaution to keep him overnight."

"Are you telling me this because I have rounds again tonight?"

"if you wouldn't mind."

August groaned, "I had midnight rounds last night though!"

"Are you telling me no?"

"Is that a bad idea?" August challenged, but then fell back. "Fine. But can I miss the first part of your class tomorrow morning?"

"Only if I can put my feet up."

August smiled, transfiguring a small stack of books in front of the professor into a cushioned stool that she pushed under her feet.

"You can skip my class tomorrow." McGonagall sighed, "But you have to promise me you will eat breakfast in the morning. We're getting too close to a full moon and you're not eating enough."

"Fine. I'll go to breakfast and then I'm going back to my dorm to sleep."

"Deal." McGonagall slowly closed her eyes as August curled back up in her chair and read, "Outstanding" the professor said simply.


August was doing her rounds that night, humming softly to herself and the tip of her wand illuminating a soft light at the end. "Werewolves of London" had been stuck in her head since the break, after Eilene woke the house up one morning blasting that song.

"Ah-hoo, werewolves of London, Ah-hoo" she sang. Slowly moving her shoulders to the beat of the song in her head. "Ah-hoo, werewo-" she was cut off by a hand grabbing her waist and pulling her around the corner and behind a statue revealing a passageway, "What the hell?"

"Shut up!" George .yelled at her in a whisper

"Did you just tell me to shu-" only to be cut off by George's hand clamping over her mouth.

"Stop talking." He said sternly

A few moments later, they could hear Filch telling Fred that if he was Headmaster, he would be hanging Fred by his toes in the Great Hall. And of course, the only response he got out of Fred was a chuckle. Their footsteps slowly departed from the corridor they were hiding off of. It had been eerily silent for a few minutes when she mumbled, "George," her mouth still covered by his hand

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now