she is just like you

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A few weeks had passed and it was getting near to the end of the month, which August was dreading. Her scars were more pink and appeared as if they were fresh ones. She wore more makeup to hide the scars but that just brought more attention to her. Not exactly good attention either. Most of the time it resulted in a few older boys whistling at her or telling her she was trying too hard. As a result, George and Fred picked up a few afternoon detentions for beating up those boys. Even though it wasn't that cold yet in Scotland, she wore her sweater and her winter tights under her skirt. She decided to not to trim her bangs yet, so she could have them cover her face more.

It was Monday, and August was sitting in potions behind the twins, staring at the back of George's neck. She wanted something to take her mind off how sick she felt, so she counted all the freckles on his neck. 32. He has 32 freckles, but ten of them are larger than the others. They reminded her of the stars. She outlines the constellation Canis Major with her eyes on his neck, connecting the freckles with an invisible line. She usually enjoys the night sky but mostly the stars. She thinks they're even more beautiful during a new moon because they're the brightest in the sky.

"Am I boring you Miss. O'Keefe?" Snape asked, causing August to snap out of thought. The whole class looked at her.

"No, sir. Sorry."

"Well since you haven't paid any attention this entire lesson, answer this. Name one ingredient in Felix Felicis."

"Murtlap Tentacle." She answered quickly.

"Another ingredient?"

"Squill bulb and Ashwinder Egg..." she said, she really didn't know why he was calling her out, the kid next to her was literally asleep.

"Then what is the brewing period?" He lifted his brow, the class was still staring at her.

"6 months."

"Good, now pay attention." He snapped "Miss. Johnson, name an ingredient in a polyjuice potion.


"You all have your OWLs next term, you should know this! Mr. Weasley?" Snape looked over at the twins

"Which one?" George asked,

"I don't care, the one who knows the answer." The twins just looked at each other, and back at the professor with their mouths open, hoping that something would come out.

"Knotgrass, lacewing flies, and shredded boomslang skin. Can we carry on with the lesson, sir." August said, hoping to give the twins a break from Snape's stares.

"10 points will be taken from you O'Keefe, for speaking without being called on." Before he could yell at the boys, class was already over and most of the students were rushing to get out of his classroom. Snape walked over to August as she was packing up, "Don't ever speak for your peers again, do you understand?" He snarled

"Yes sir, my apologies."

"You can leave." Snape said in a harsh tone.

As she stepped out of the room, the twins appeared on either side of her.

"Thanks, Moon." Fred said, nudging her side with a smirk.

"For what?" She asked, looking straight down the hall

"Helping us out." George said, with a wide smile.

"I wasn't helping, it was just really sad to watch you two struggle on such an easy question." She shrugged, "I gotta go."

"But it's lunch.." Fred said

"I'm not hungry." She waved while walking off.

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now