it's her... that's why.

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It was how he watched her that made girls swoon when they saw him. It was how he waited for her in the corridor when she would leave her art class, even though he was sweating profusely and out of breath from sprinting across the castle to get to her, that made Remus come to his senses about letting his daughter date. Even though August was oblivious to it. She would not notice his searching gaze for the top of her head in the crowded corridors in the morning, a skewed curl, frizzing at the top of her head that would let him know he found her. She would not notice George eyeing the only jar of strawberry jam on the table, waiting for her to reach for it. Because he had just sprinted to the kitchen begging the house elves for one because it was not on the table that morning.

Besides his mischievous composure and his sarcastic attitude, he will always look out for her. Figuratively and physically. He had many chances of possible relationships, but he knew his heart belonged to one person and one person only. And he held on to her, as long as it took.

There was a celebration that night in the Gryffindor common room. Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw students thrown into the mix made the room packed, but his eyes were glued to her. She was leaning against a wall with a mug in her hand with steaming tea, which was uncommon for her. But Cedric had talked her into putting firewhisky in it.

"It's like a hot toddy!" She yelled over the music to Cedric

"Who's hot!?"

"It's a muggle drink!" She laughed, "My grandfather was drinking it at Christmas!"

"I thought you hated your grandfather?"

"Grandmother!" She corrected

"Mine's dead!"

"No!" She laughed, "I hate my grandmother!"

"Oh!! That makes more sense!" Cedric laughed

Angelina and Fred were standing next to George.

"If you're going to ignore us, just go talk to her!" Angie laughed

"She's with Ced!" He tells them, "Why is the music so loud!?"

"It's a party mate!" Fred laughed, slapping his back, "So go party! With her!" He pointed at August, as she leaned on Cedric for support as the pair laughed about something.

"It's different now!" He tells them, "Every time I see her, I want to kiss her!"

"Then go kiss her mate!" Fred laughed

"With consent though!" Angie smacked Fred's chest

"George is staring at you," Cedric whispered in her ear. August might have put a little too much liquid courage in her mug because she giggled and whispered in Cedric's ear. Well, it was kind of a whisper, she was still yelling.

"I think I fancy George Weasley!"

Ginny who had just walked past, slapped her hand over her mouth and sprinted to Neville and Luna who were hiding in a corner to tell them everything she had just heard come out of August's mouth.

"You think?!" Cedric laughed, "I've caught you so many times this term making love eyes at him in class!"

"He's just so fit!" She giggled, "But he's my best friend, he can't know!"

"Why?! He clearly thinks your fit!" Cedric laughed, "Just tell him!"

"I'm drunk, he's drunk! It's not the best time. Why is the music so loud?!"

Cedric laughed at her, patting her cheek with his free hand.

"I see my boy looking for me..." Cedric smiled over her shoulder, "You should go to yours."

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now