the sun will always fall for the moon.

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August loved magic. No matter how long the toast sat untouched next to her, or in her hand mid-bite while she got lost on the pages of her book, it never got cold or soggy. The toast always stayed fresh and crispy, even with the butter and jam. August was always the first student down for breakfast, then she would be joined a little bit later by a small group of Slytherin fourth years, running to the spot they sit at every morning. August always looks over the edge of her book when she hears footsteps. They rush to their seats, filling their plates, and then one of them fills all of their teacups. Two Hufflepuffs usually come next, they are always still in their pajamas, they don't stay long though. They usually eat and talk about their morning classes and then they go back to their dorms. August thinks they might just go back to sleep before their next class. Then there is a group of Ravenclaw boys who come next. They're neither in their school uniform nor their pajamas, but rather in workout gear and sweats. She always laughs when they only fill their plates with meat and a few boiled eggs. She's also noticed that when the food appears in front of them, over the years fruit stopped appearing. And while she watches, her toast stays put in her hand, still warm and crispy. She smiles into the bite.

"Why wasn't I your hostage?"

August looked up and found Ron sitting in front of her, Hermione and Harry taking a seat on either side of him, rolling their eyes.

"You were Harry's." She pointed her toast at Harry

"But if he wasn't a champion, I would have been yours... Right?"

"Sure." August laughed, "You sure would be missed greatly by me, Ron."

"I told you." He whispered to Hermione.

"She's only joking." Hermione huffed, "If Harry hadn't been chosen, it would have been a coin flip with George and Harry."

"Oh!" George laughed, "I pick heads."

"Guess, I'll be tails," Harry smirked, pouring himself tea.

"I wish they left all of you down there." Fred groaned, sitting next to August.

"What's your problem?" Ron hissed, "Do you feel left out?"

Fred looked up at him with narrowed eyes, August shook her head, looking back at the page she was reading before everyone showed up.

"Would you like me to push you in the lake and rescue you?" August asked

"Maybe..." Fred mumbled, trying to hide a smirk.

"Why did you go back in anyways?" Ron asked, reaching over Hermione's plate for a plate of sausages. "Dumbledore wouldn't have let any of us drown, you know that right?"

"I mean the man let the ministry put me in a cage," August said casually, "I don't really expect much from him nowadays..."

August slowly looked up from the words on the page to everyone staring at her.

"Joking..." August mumbled, looking back at her book. "Anyways, I heard some really interesting things in the common room last night, about you Ron."

August looked up at Ron, "And what was it?" Ron asked

"I wish I could have seen those merpeople beat the shit out of you."

Ron went red, and the twins burst into laughter.

"I didn't tell anyone that..." Ron said.

"Yes, you did." Harry and Hermione said in unison.

"I do recall waking up in McGonagall's office to you eating her jelly beans." George laughed. "No sign of merpeople around."

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now