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"Mutt." Lucian Bole, a seventh-year Slytherin, yelled down an empty corridor. August rolled her eyes, turning to face the group of boys walking toward her. She looked around the hall and realized that she was in fact alone. But at least Cassius was with him. Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, and Crabbe, and Goyle (who August could never tell whos-who, she never cared to match the name with the face). Cassius gave her a look to leave, but August was quite over people like them and stood her ground.

"Hello, lads." She smiled at them. Theo looked uncomfortable, he kept his eyes down.

"Get going, O'Keefe." Cassius hissed, "You're in our way."

"No, no." Bole laughed, slapping Cassius' chest, "I just wanted to have a little talk with our pup." He smiled, darkly at her. Walking up to her, to the point their chests were touching. "Where's that git you call a brother?"

"Probably in class, where you lot should be." August warned, "As your head girl, I am telling you to get back to-" August's breath caught in her throat when Bole's hand went around her throat. And he laughed when he saw the fear flash in her eyes.

"I once used the Incarcerous Spell when I went hunting with my dad," He looked over his shoulder at the boys, smiling, "It was only on a deer, but it shouldn't be much different on a dog..."

August choked, as his hand tightened around her throat. Her eyes were begging Cassius.


"Mate, we should get back to class." Cassius warned, "Snape will come looking for us. We can get in serious trouble..."

"I'm not afraid of Snape," Bole said, "I have to finish this. If I can't talk to her brother about the bullshit he spewed about our parents to that Looney Lovegoods shit fathers magazine, then I'll have a little char with her."

"He- was-wasn't lyi-" August choked when his hand tightened.

"What was that?" Bole sneered, turning his ear toward her "Did you say something?" August's eyes were fluttering, and she was gasping for air, but he kept tightening around her throat. He let out a terribly evil laugh throwing her to the ground. Cassius tried to walk to her, but Draco grabbed his arm. Before August could get up, Bole pointed his wand at her.

"Incarcerous." He hissed, and August's body was bonded with thick tight ropes. She tried to scream, but Bole made Goyle and Crabbe grab her and cover her mouth. She fought back, but the ropes kept tightening and the boys held her head and body against the ground.

"Stop!" Cassius begged, "Seriously, we'll get in trouble!"

"Are you still friends with this bitch?" Bole turned to Cassius, storming towards, "Should I tell your father?"

August's face was soaked with tears and blood, her eyes peering over Goyles hand covering her mouth, but she shook her head at him to stop. She wanted him to stop fighting this. Theo looked like he was going to be sick and couldn't look at her. Bole turned back toward her, kneeling next to her and grabbing her arm. Even Goyles hand couldn't suffocate the screams coming from her mouth as Bole's wand ripped across August's forearm, as he stretched a word into it.

"Okay, seriously! Stop!" Cassius yelled, "You've done enough, she gets it."

"Fine!" Bole backed away from her, letting the ropes go. She was too weak to get up, and honestly, she was too terrified to move. Crabbe and Goyle got off her, spitting at her when they walked back. "You have to stop protecting her!" He hissed at Cassius, pushing his chest, "Stop surrounding yourself with people like her. You want your dad to kill you for being friends with that half-breed?"

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