i hope you fall in love with her too

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"Does Harry know?"

"I wrote to him this morning." She smiled at him. Both of their cheeks were flush with their pillows. George's eyes shifted from her face to her pillow, her pillow. Their legs were intertwined under the sheets, their hands clasped together between them.

"You're not gonna leave again, right?" He whispered.

"No." She whispered back, shaking her head. Her cheek rubbing against the pillow. Her pillow.

"I almost died."

"I know." He said, "I felt it."

"Even without the pack?"

"We both know we're more than the pack." He smiled sadly at her, "I knew you were alive... I just didn't know if you'd come back to me."

"I'll always come back to you." She smiled at him.

"Can I touch you?" He asked, his free hand hovering over her face.

"You don't ever have to ask me that." She told him, looking up at his hand from the corner of her eye. Her eyes slowly closed when his hand rest gently on her cheek.

"You also didn't have to ask." He said simply. She opened her eyes slowly, furrowing her brows.


"Ask me to wait for you." He said sadly, in disbelief, "You didn't have to ask. I would have... I did. Still would, if you were still out there."

"I didn't know if you'd care if I came back," She said, "I figured you hated me."

"I tried." He couldn't look at her. "I thought it would make it easier, but it only made it harder. You lied to me, you broke your promise... And I wanted to hate you, but I only loved you more."

August scooted herself closer to him, their faces only inches away now. The tips of their noses were so close, it almost felt like they were touching. He looked up at her and they locked eyes.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked. He knew she wasn't okay now, it was obvious. She was not the same girl from last summer.

"I don't know." She sighed, "I feel like I'm broken inside."

"I'll take care of you." He smiled softly at her, caressing her cheek.

"I'm damaged goods, there's not much to care for anymore."

"Not to me." He said gently. They were still whispering, even though they were alone.

"I can take care of myself," She said sadly, "I wouldn't want to put this all on you."

"I know you can." He says, "You always have. And you probably always will... But you don't have to do it on your own anymore. We can take care of each other."

She stayed quiet. She hates the idea of him having to take care of her. She didn't want to be this different person. She laughs now about how much she hated herself when she was younger because now she wishes she was her again.

"Let me take care of you, August." He begged, "If you let me, atleast I know I still have you."

And there it was. He was still afraid that she was going to leave him again. "Let me."

He wanted to hate her, hate her broken promise. But the promise broke when her mother died, and there was no stopping it. He knew that. She told everyone, and when the waters settled, he was surprised when he opened his eyes and saw that people were still in shock at her sudden departure. She said she was here for her mother. Her best friend. She stayed for her creator, and when she left, so did August because she had no one to follow anymore.

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now