i'm not a vampire...

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He was calm. It was scary how calm he was. Maybe it was her hand on his shoulder, or maybe it just got to the point where he knew there was no reason to fight it anymore. There was never going to be a victory in this war with his mother, and honestly, he was done fighting. He wasn't done with her. She was his family now, she was his wife. She was the only one who ever really respected him.

"I give up on you." He sighed, shaking his head at the ground, "I can't keep fighting this."

August, according to Fred before Molly sent him away, looked so destroyed that it looked like her soul had died. Her face was a mixture of agony and sadness. She had folded her lips under her teeth to keep them from quivering.

"What do you mean you give up on me?" Molly asked, "We're family!"

"August is my family." He said simply, not looking up at his mother. "We didn't come here to ask you for permission. We came to tell you that it already happened out of respect. August is my wife. So you might as well pick now!" He looked up at her, his eyes full of anger, "You say one more thing about the law or August's condition and you will never see me again."

Molly's face fell.

"August is my family." He repeated, "Why don't you get it?! Why is so hard for you to understand that, I. AM. IN. LOVE. WITH. HER!"

Arthur put his hand on Molly's shoulder, "Dear, I think you've overstepped..."

"All I said was it wasn't a real wedding!"

"MERLINS BALLS MUM!" Fred yelled, "Do you hear yourself?! It was a real wedding! Just because it's not on paper or some old bloke didn't bond them, it doesn't mean it's not real!"

George and August looked over at Fred in the doorway. He clearly couldn't stay put in the living room like Molly bid him to.

"Why can't you see what everyone else in this bloody world can see? I mean for fucks sake! They love each other! Isn't that enough? Or should we just put a bloody stake through her heart and rid him of her so you can be happy again?"

"I'm not a vampire..." August whispered, causing George and Fred's lips to twitch.

"I'm also gone." Fred said, "If you keep talking like this, I'm out too. August is my sister now."

"I for one," Arthur said awkwardly, "Am very pleased with this announcement." He smiled at August, "I've always wanted you two to get married."

Molly looked at everyone, and then stormed out of the kitchen, leaving George heartbroken. Of course, he didn't want it to end like this. She was his mother, he wanted her to support him with every chapter of his life. But there was so much he could handle with her, so much hate he could handle. He collapsed in his chair, defeated, looking at his father and then away so Arthur couldn't see him cry. August looked at all the Weasley men, and then Molly in the living room, on the couch. She was crying silently in her hands, shaking her head.

August excused herself from the kitchen and found herself next to Molly on the couch, staring off at the fireplace.

"I would never hurt him," August stated, "if that's what you think."

Molly turned to August in shock.

"I would die before I could let anything happen to him." She said, "I promise you that. I would even make an unbreakable vow with you if that made you feel better."

"Oh, sweetheart." Molly sobbed, looking at August's profile. She looked defeated, and Molly hates herself for even making August feel this way. She looked away because it was too painful, but was only welcomed by the sight of George in the kitchen, looking just as heartbroken.

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now