you look great for your age

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"Can you just yell at me or something?" August rubbed her eyes. Angelina was standing in the middle of her room with her arms crossed, staring at August with daggers as eyes. She hadn't said anything in the twenty minutes she had been there.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" August looked up through her fingers at her best friend.

"Shut up!" Angelina snapped. She was fuming. "You left! And you didn't leave me a fucking word!"

"There is it..." August mumbled. She knew everyone else would be too scared to do this, but Angelina wasn't like that with August. She was always pretty real with her.

"I can not fucking believe you!" Angelina yelled, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! And you know what your last words to me would have been?" Angelina questioned, raising her brow, "Huh!?" August just sat there, "WHAT WERE THEY AUGUST!?"

"I don't remember..." August sighed.

"Ha! You don't remember... You thanked me for coming to your mum's funeral, and then told me I didn't have to come..." Angelina cried, "You told me I didn't have to come to my best friends mums funeral. The mum who sent me Christmas gifts every year. Always made sure to sneak something for me in your care packages. The woman who always told me she saw me as a daughter... You told me I didn't need to be there. And you know, I respected that when you said it... You were grieving, you had just witnessed her death, but then. You know what happened 3 days later?"

August looked down at her feet.

"What happened August, what happened 3 days later?"

"I left..." August said quietly.

"What was that?"

"I left," August said, looking up at her heartbroken best friend.

"Yeah." Angelina nodded, "You left. And you weren't even going to tell me. You didn't want me at the funeral and then you just abandoned me. Am I even your best friend?" She questioned, looking up at the ceiling fan blinking fast, so she could get rid of her tears, "Was I even a friend..."

"You are my sister," August said painfully. Angelina's head snapped down, her eyes softening. "I did want you there. I did want to tell you... I just couldn't deal with it all. I couldn't..."

"Where did you go August?" Angelina begged, "No one told me anything, no one even could tell me if you were alive. George was barely hanging on, do you know that? The boy was about to drink himself into a grave... Where the hell did you go that was so fucking important that you didn't care about all the hearts you were breaking!?"

"I WENT ON A MISSION!" August yelled, "I TOOK DOWN A BLOODY WEREWOLF PACK!" August rubbed her face hard, "I fucking died... Yeah, Angelina. I FUCKING DIED. And then I came home. I came home for you, okay? Does that make you feel better?"

Angelina was now the quiet one.

"Dumbledore asked me to join a pack, and get as much information I could out of them. Which I did... Then I had to take it down. Which I also did, which wasn't fucking easy. I spent almost 10 months without a fucking shower or real soap... I made my own soap, which inevitably gave me a pretty nasty rash..."

Angelina snorted. August looked over at her, "That's funny to you?"

"Yeah..." Angelina laughed through her tears.

"Does it make you feel better that I had a rash?"

"Kind of..." Angelina smiled, "I didn't know..."

"I didn't want you to know. The less you know, the safer you are."

"I feel like shit now," Angelina laughed, "You were out there saving the world, and I was hating you."

"I wanted you to hate me..."

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now