i'll be fine

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'At a banquet during the Congress of Vienna, this 4-letter French cheese took the title the king of cheeses'

"So, what do you guys do here, if you can't leave?" Cassius asked, looking around the room. The twins were laying on the floor with the chess board between them, while Harry and Ron played a game of Exploding Snaps. August was laid out on one of the couches, with a bowl of popcorn on her chest.

"What is Brie?" She said to the screen, "Huh?" She looked over at Cassius throwing a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"Is this all you do? Are you watching those muggles ask the game show guy questions supposed to save the world? This is the Order?"

"Oh," August laughed, "The meeting isn't until 6. We all just hang out until mum gets back from work and everyone else gets here."

"Oh," Cassius nodded, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. He would have thought the kids would be staring at him or asking questions but they were just doing their own things. Ginny didn't even realize he was there, because she just walked into the room almost knocking him over with her shoulder. "So, where's your friend? Uh, I mean, your godfather?"

'Let's do Whine for 800, Alex.'

"I think he's feeding Buckbeak. Ah!" August laughed pointing at the tv, "It's a daily double!"

"The hippogriff from school? I thought it died."

'This protagonist of a 1951 classic complained about phonies a lot even the way they said hello.'

"Who is Holden Caulfield," Remus said when he walked into the room. He leaned over on the back of August's couch, grabbed a handful of popcorn, turning to Cassius, "It's very nice to see you again, Mr. Warrington."

"Hello Professor Lupin." He said causing Remus and August to laugh.

"Ew," Ron mumbled, "Why are you so proper? It's just Lupin."

"It's alright, Cass." August looked over her shoulder at him, "You can call him Remus."

'A donnée is literally French for this an assumed fact.'

"So you're the Death Eater," Ginny said, looking Cassius up and down.

"Yep," Cassius said with a pop at the end.

"But you're good."

"That's a given," Cassius said simply.

"You're supposed to answer it in a question." August said, "What's a given?" She corrected him.

"What?" Cassius said.

"I don't think he was answering the clue, Moon." Remus laughed.

"Oh," August said, "You don't speak french do you?"

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?"

"Nevermind," August sighed, looking back at the tv.

"If her show is on, she usually ignores everyone. Don't take it personally." A voice said, coming up behind Cassius. Cassius' eyes went wide, staring at the man, backing up slowly.


"I'm Sirius Black." He said.

"You're a murderer." He said, which finally got August to look away from the TV. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and stared at the boy.

"No." Sirius said simply, "Accused murderer."

'The name of this utensil also means to nestle while lying & facing another's back'

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now