broom, match, and a jersey

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It was the following week, and no one had seen August since their last class that morning. Angelina was able to snag a crystal chess pawn and blue ribbon from the Beauxbatons carriage. Fred got caught by Karkaroff on Wednesday night when he snuck in. He was only able to steal a pair of boots from one of the students, but Lee counted that as one item instead of two. And George got himself in a bit of a pickle when a red fox was carried out of the Beauxbatons carriage by the nape of his neck by Madame Maxime and thrown into a bush. He did not succeed in taking anything.

"I haven't seen her since class this morning." George groaned. Lee laughed loudly and then stood up clapping slowly, causing the group of friends to look at the entrance of the Great Hall. August was wearing a huge fur coat and fur hat. She had a blue ribbon tied in her hair.

"That's only three!" Fred stated. August walked up to them, and with a bow and a big gesture, she pulled her hand out of her pocket. In the palm of her hand, was a small piece of parchment with the Beauxbatons coat of arms that consisted of two golden wands crossed over one another, each shooting three stars embossed at the bottom of it.

"I would like to congratulate Miss O'Keefe!" Lee lifted August's arm, "We have a winner of our first task!"

"NO!" The twins yelled.

"How?" George asked

"I didn't have to sneak in." August laughed, "A few Durmstrang girls invited me back to their rooms after class on Wednesday, and then Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons found out about my greenhouse and asked if I could check on some of her little sister's plants she had brought with her."

"Unbelievable." George groaned into his hands.

"August has 20 points, Angie has," Lee took out a small notepad, "10 points, Fred has 5 and sorry George, you have 0 points."

"What's the next task?"

"I haven't actually come up with one, but I will!" Lee laughed

"Can we wait until after the next full moon?" August asked

"Of course!" The four of them said in unison.

"When is it?"

"The 19th," George answered.

"I'll make sure I have the next task by the 23rd." Lee said, "Give you a few days to get back on your feet."

"Thanks." August smiled.

It was nearing the first full moon of the semester. August was sitting in Madam Pomfrey's office when Professor McGonagall came in.

"Good you're here." She said. "You have new accommodations."

"No more shack?" August asked

"No." McGonagall sounded relieved, "I have set you up a room, now that you are using Wolfsbane in its recommended dosage, you can stay in the castle."

"Really?" August beamed. Madam Pomfrey came back into the room with a small chest. Inside was nine vials.

"You will take this the afternoon of the full moon," Pomfrey said

"Okay." August nodded.

"I know you know this, but just to remind you. The potion does not cure lycanthropy but it does ease your symptoms. You will still transform, but you will still act human."

"I'll have full control?" August looked at the women, "Like I will actually have full control over my mind?"

"Yes." Madam Pomfrey smiled.

"Right..." August let out a sigh of relief, that sounded like she was holding it in for years. "Okay." August was trying to hold in her emotions.

"It's okay, August." McGonagall said, "I know this is a lot to take in, you are allowed to feel something."

the gentle moon / george weasleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن