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August woke up in the middle of the night a few days later, flipping over to face George. When her arm swung over, anticipating it to fall on George's body, but instead it fell into emptiness. She sat up quickly searching the room for him, looking for a small bar of light under the bathroom door that would tell her he was in there. But the door was open and the lights were off.

She could hear things moving out in the kitchen, and her hand reached for her wand quickly. She cracked the door open the slightest, noticing Fred peeking out of his bedroom as well. He lifted his finger to his mouth, telling her to be quiet. They both slowly emerged from their bedrooms, Fred keeping August behind him in case someone was waiting for them. Both of their wands were up, pointing down the hall toward the living room and kitchen.

When they reached the end of the hall, they were both surprised to see that it was not a robber, but George covered in green paint, and all the cabinet doors off their hinges drying on different surfaces around the flat.

"What are you doing?" Fred yawned. George turned to them, both in their pajamas with crazy bed heads staring at him. He smiled at them.

"Was I too loud?" He asked, "Sorry."

August looked around the kitchen at his mess. The trim of the cabinets were a olive green color, and the cabinet doors balancing on chairs and couches were matching. The old grimy white backsplash behind the sink was now a darker green.

"August wants a green kitchen."

"I didn't mean tonight." August laughed, walking around the room. "We could have helped you."

"I wanted to surprise you." He rubbed the back of his neck, "Surprise!"

"You couldn't have done this with magic?" Fred asked.

"I did." George laughed, pointing at the last cabinet being painted by a floating brush. "I honestly didn't lift a finger for all of this."

"You're covered in paint." August pointed at his face.

"Took me a minute to get a hang of it." George laughed, "One of the paint brushes finished, and then switched to me thinking I was the cabinet."

"I'm going back to bed." Fred groaned. "Can I trust you that we'll have a functioning kitchen in the morning?"

"Probably not." George smirked at his twin.

"Idiots." Fred hissed, turning back toward his room.

"You didn't have to do this." August laughed, looking at the state of the room. "I could have helped."

"I thought I'd treat you for taking a step back from fighting. I know what it means for you to do that." He smiled at her sweetly.

"I'll be okay," August told him, "I'll distract myself with something else."

"Like what?" He asked, leaning on the counter.

"Getting Hermione and Fred to confess their feelings for each other."

"That should take some time." George laughed, pushing himself up, "They're both too stubborn to admit it."

"Eh, so was I." She smiled at George as he walked toward her, "And look at me now."

"Look at you now?" He asked, looking her up and down, "I am looking at you, but I think we are thinking of two different things right now."

"And what are you thinking of, eh?" She asked, looking up at him. His hand found its way to the hem of her shirt, teasing it a bit. Fred was used to it now, her walking around with just an oversize t-shirt on as a dressing gown or her boxers and a small tank top.

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now