but you're still my dad

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"No matter how long you stare in that mirror, I don't think your hair is going to change."

August's gaze on the mirror shifted to Sirius' reflection in the corner. He was leaning against the doorway of her bedroom, smiling in.

"Do I still look like him?" August asked. "Like dad? Everyone always says I look just like him, but that's when I had my brown hair. James said I was just like him."

It still was hard to hear her talk about the people she saw in her afterlife. Sirius wonders what his place of rest would look like, maybe the Gryffindor common room, or the Potter manor. Everyone who met her there, he hopes would me him in his.

"It was never the hair." Sirius smiled, pushing himself off the doorframe, and walking to the bed. He smiled down at it, looking at the sheets messed up and the imprint on her pillow. There were months he would find his bed empty in the middle of the night and then find Remus staring at her untouched bed. His hand hovering over her pillow where her head should have been. "The crooked nose, that helped a bit." He teased, "I don't think James meant the hair or your face... It's your presence, the way you hold yourself up. The way you think of others before yourself. You two are still very much twins, even with your white hair."

"What about mum?" She turned him. "Am I like mum?"

Sirius laughed. "You got your anger from your mum." He joked, "Your short temper and your big heart. Out of anyone in this world, the two people with the biggest personalities produced you. There is nothing you could change about your appearance that would take them away from you."

"I miss her." She admitted.

"So do I." He said sadly, "Every second."

August moved across the room and sat next to Sirius. "It was crazy," August looked over at him, "He looks just like Harry..."

He knew what she meant. August only knew Harry, so of course James looked just like Harry, but for Sirius, it was Harry that looked just like James.

"I don't have that anymore..."

"Should we bleach dads hair?" Sirius hit her shoulder with his, causing August to laugh. "Just because you don't have the golden brown locks, does not mean you're not his blood and heart."

August smiled down at their laps.

"I would love to bleach my hair." Sirius joked, "I'd love to stop looking like my family..."

"We don't look alike..." August stated.

"You're lucky." Sirius put his arm around her.

"But you're still my dad..." She admitted, looking up at him. His eyes softened, and his lip twitched into a smile.

"Your-your dad?" His voice cracked.

"Is that okay?" She asked. "I know I'm not your blood and-"

"You are my heart." He said quickly. "You were always my heart."

"Can I tell you something?" She asked.

"Of course, you can." He said quietly, pushing a hair from her face. Oh, how he missed doing that.

"He was always an asshole, but he also still took care of me..." She started, "I kind of miss him."

She looked away from him. The tables turned when she left the forest, she could never really look at Regulus and not think of Sirius, but now it's the other way around. Seeing Sirius was hard now whenever she thought of Regulus.

"I spent almost 10 months with him, morning and night... He was always there... It's just different now, not seeing him."

"I get that." Sirius' hand was rested on the back of August's head. "I miss him too."

"How does it feel?" She looked over at him, "Knowing he's still alive."

"I don't know." He admitted, "Scared, happy, sad... I'm not sure. But I was very much relieved to see that little raven fly through the window. I hadn't seen that since he learned how to do it in school...His voice sounds different, but he's about 36 now so it makes sense..."

"He looks like you." She said, "I don't know how I did it. I think the only reason I never lost my mind out there away from you all is that he was there. Which means you were there."

"I'm glad you two had each other." He smiled.

"He saved me because of you," She told him, "I heard him... He didn't want to disappoint you again."

Sirius looked up at the ceiling, chuckling. "He never disappointed me." He admitted, "I'm the one who left him..."

"Will he come back?" August asked, "Would you want him to?"

"I would." He smiled down at her, and that's when she saw the tears forming in his eyes, "I'd beat the shit out of him first, but then I'd hug him."

Downstairs, Remus was cleaning the living room when George and Fred walked in.

"Don't mention the hair," Remus mumbled when he heard her bedroom door open and her and Sirius walked down the stairs.

"Why would we mention the-"

"YOUR HAIR!" Fred yelled pointing at her. George turned him with daggers as eyes.

"Are kidding?" George hissed.

"...It's long again..." Fred cringed, noticing Remus rubbing his face.

"Yes, hello to you too, Fred." August laughed, "Go ahead," She waved them on.

"It's white..." George said, "Did you mean to?"

"No." She said, "Forgot about the magic beast blood in me."

"Do we like it?" Fred asked

"It's growing on me."

"Still?" Fred asked.

"She meant figuratively, you doorknob!" George hit the back of Fred's head, "Right?" He turned back toward her.

August laughed, "Yes, figuratively." She nodded. Fred turned to George and then they began to hit each other. Sirius turned to August and whispered.

"You're like your father in the sense that you fell in love and befriended two idiots."

"So you're an idiot?" August laughed.

"Yes, yes he is." Remus came up behind the pair, as the three of them watched George and Fred wrestled on the ground.

"Are you two done?" August laughed. The twins looked up, their hair both a mess, smiling at her.

"Lunch?" George asked

"Yes!" August smiled. She turned to Remus and Sirius and kissed them both on the cheek, "I'll see you two tonight at the meeting."

"Can you bring me back something?" Sirius asked, jumping over the back of the couch.

"Anything?" August asked.

"Yeah, and chips." He smiled brightly at her. "Thank you."


"Whatever he gets." Remus smiled, kissing the top of her head.

Remus watched as August and the twins left out of the drive in the yellow bug turning to Sirius who had a huge smile.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"She called me dad."

"Did she?" Remus smiled back at him.

"So are you gonna marry me yet?" Sirius teased.

"Have you asked August if you could marry me yet?" Remus challenged.

"Do we really need Moon's blessing?..." Sirius asked. He didn't need the face Remus was giving him to change his mind, "Nevermind, that was a stupid question."

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