i can't exist in two places.

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There was a knock at the front door, which meant only an Order member would be there, but they usually just walk in. Jade and Remus brought Harry to Diagon Alley for school supplies for the pair. Sirius told August not to bother him unless the house was on fire because he wanted to take a bath. He actually told her, if the house was on fire, to throw his mother's portrait in it first before she did anything else. She waited, till the knocking stopped, hoping they would just go away but it didn't stop.

August peaked through the small window next to the door and saw George. He could hear all the latches and locks clicking and then she appeared behind the dark door.

"Did you know Hogwarts didn't have plumbing installed until like the 18th Century?" He said out of breath, "Like all I can imagine is Dumbledore bare ass, shitting in the courtyard..."

"I don't think Dumbledore was even alive in the 18th century...." August stared at him in disbelief.

"I still can't stop imagining it!"

August stared at him, her mouth agape. Like it was locked in place because of everything she was hearing coming out of his mouth.


"I just thought you'd want to know..." He smiled at her.

"You came all the way to London to tell me this?" She furrowed her brow.

"Yes." He said simply.

"How did you even get here? We have wards up."

"I overheard my dad telling mum how to get the house to appear..." He smirked, "I didn't actually know where this place was, so I've been walking around London all morning."

"They have this thing called a map." She joked

"That's what they're called?!" He asked sarcastically, "I knew I was missing something." A smile formed on his face, and when she smiled, his hands went straight to her face and he kissed her. He pushed them through the door, kicking it behind him closed. Her arms were snaking around his neck, pulling him down. His arms, wrapped around her waist, picking her up and holding her tightly against him.

His hands were intertwined in her hair, "I needed to see you." He mumbled into a kiss.

"Why?" She hummed, and he pulled away from the kiss, putting her down.

"I haven't seen you..." he looked into her eyes, "or heard from you since the tournament.."

"They took me to St Mungo's after the maze.." She looked away from his eyes, to the window. It was raining now, and she watched the raindrops drip down the pane. The two were just standing there, a few inches apart. Just standing there. He hadn't seen her in a month, he hadn't heard from her. The only clue he even knew she was alive, was because she sent him and Fred the prize money with a note that just said:

for your dream

x A

"I know. I was with you in the hospital wing..." He said sadly, "The way you just kissed me... That doesn't seem like you want to ignore me."

"It's not that simple, George." August sighed, "I just..." She looked at him, and then away, "I thought you all left me." She swallowed, "I woke up in hospital by myself, mum and dad weren't even there yet."

"They were on their way..." he grabbed her face, pushing it to look at him again, "No one wanted to let you go."

August bit at her lip, looking back at the window.

"She doesn't know that..."

George looked at her confused, and then his face fell in understanding.

the gentle moon / george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now